Custom software development

Affordable MVP Development: A Guide for Startup Founders

Alejandro Córdoba Borja
Tres Astronautas
All industries
June 27, 2024
10 min
Key Insights:
  • An MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is an essential aspect of a startup's journey, allowing the validation of a product concept swiftly and saving resources.
  • The development of an MVP involves conducting thorough market research, defining core features, developing a prototype, and testing and obtaining feedback.
  • Cost-efficiency in MVP development can be maximized through effective budget allocation, deciding between outsourcing and in-house development, and leveraging pre-built integrations.
  • An MVP is not just about launching a product; it is a process of learning, iterating, and smart scaling that can guide a startup towards sustainable growth and market validation.

An MVP, a Minimum Viable Product, is the compass guiding you towards sustainable growth and market validation. At the core of a thriving startup is the MVP, a product built with only essential features to draw in early-adopter customers and validate a product concept swiftly. This approach saves resources and garners priceless feedback for refining product features. Adopting an MVP isn't just about product launch; it's a journey of learning, iterating, and smart scaling. As you voyage through the tumultuous seas of development, understanding the value of an MVP can dramatically cut wasted time and boost capital efficiency, rendering the path from idea to market viable and cost-effective.

We provide a comprehensive guide with vital strategies for startup founders, offering practical advice on crafting an MVP that is lean yet powerful. We delve into key factors such as the necessity of a clear problem statement, pinpointing success metrics like the Net Promoter Score, and engaging with active users to comprehend their needs and preferences. Moreover, we disclose steps to ensure cost-efficiency during MVP development, from feature prioritization to the utilization of user feedback for ongoing improvement. This guide is your roadmap to propel your startup forward, creating an MVP that validates your market fit, captivates your target audience, and lays the groundwork for your venture's triumph in a competitive landscape.

Why Early-Stage Startups Need an MVP

MVPs are crucial for early-stage startups. Launching a Minimum Viable Product is a smart move. It reduces financial risks substantially.

This strategy lets you test your product concept in the market, investing minimally. It's a safe guard against the risk of creating a product that might not find traction in the market. Embrace the power of MVPs. They're not just a concept, they're a lifeline for your startup's success.

Reduces Financial Risk

Launching an MVP before fully investing in a product development allows us to assess and address potential financial risks. It's a cost-effective method to validate the product concept with minimal resources, ensuring that we're not building something the market doesn't want.

  • Warning ⚠️: Beware of the common pitfall among some startup founders: the lure of creating 'super apps'. While it may seem appealing to build an app packed with multiple features, aiming to provide a holistic solution, this approach often leads to bloated products that lack focus and fail to address any single user need effectively. Remember, an MVP is about simplicity and addressing a core problem efficiently. It's not about having every possible feature but about doing one thing exceptionally well.

Gathers Valuable User Feedback

An MVP is invaluable for gathering user feedback early in the development process. This feedback is crucial as it guides our iterations and helps us meet the real needs of our users. By understanding user behaviors, preferences, and pain points through direct feedback, we can make informed decisions and pivot when necessary, enhancing the product's market fit.

  • Warning ⚠️: Beware of making assumptions about user behavior without validating them through testing. Problems often seem simple at first, but predicting user behavior accurately without empirical data is nearly impossible. This makes it crucial to gather feedback from actual users throughout the development process.

Attracts Potential Investors

An efficiently executed MVP can demonstrate our startup's potential to investors by showcasing our ability to address real customer needs and adapt to market demands. This not only helps in securing funding but also in building trust and credibility with potential investors by presenting a clear path to scalability and return on investment.

By focusing on these critical aspects, an MVP allows us to enter the market strategically, use resources wisely, and enhance our chances of a successful product launch.

Essential Steps to Build an MVP

Conducting Market Research

We start our journey by diving deep into market research, which is not just a preliminary step but the backbone of our MVP development. This involves understanding our target audience's pain points, preferences, and behaviors through various methods such as surveys, interviews, and competitive analysis. Market research ensures that we are not just creating a product but solving a real problem that exists in the market.

Now, let's dive into practical examples of how to conduct market research, specifically for B2B (Business-to-Business) and B2C (Business-to-Consumer) solutions.

Conducting Market Research for B2B Solutions

  1. Identify Your Target Businesses: Start by identifying the types of businesses that can benefit from your solution. Consider various factors such as industry, size, and location.
  2. Understand the Needs of These Businesses: Conduct surveys or interviews with key decision-makers in these businesses. Understand their pain points and how your solution can address them.
  3. Analyze Your Competitors: Look at other solutions in the market that cater to the same businesses. Understand their offerings, pricing, and customer reviews.
  4. Conduct Industry Analysis: Understand the trends and growth in the industry to which your solution caters.
  5. Test Your Solution: Once you have a prototype, test it with a few businesses. Gather their feedback for improvements.

Conducting Market Research for B2C Solutions

  1. Identify Your Target Consumers: Understand who your consumers are in terms of age, location, lifestyle, and preferences.
  2. Understand Consumer Behavior: Conduct surveys or focus group discussions to understand consumers' needs, preferences, and buying behavior.
  3. Analyze Your Competitors: Understand the offerings, pricing, and customer reviews of similar solutions in the market.
  4. Conduct a Market Trend Analysis: Stay updated about the latest trends and growth in the market.
  5. Test Your Solution: Once you have a prototype, test it with a group of consumers. Gather their feedback for improvements.

Defining Core Features

Once we have a solid understanding of the market needs, we prioritize the essential features that address the core problems of our target audience. Utilizing methods like the MoSCoW technique helps us focus on what is necessary for the MVP, avoiding the common pitfall of feature bloat. This step ensures our product remains lean and purpose-driven, providing clear value to our early adopters. The MoSCoW technique is an effective method to prioritize features in a product. This approach categorizes features into four groups:

  • Must-have: These are critical features without which the product cannot function. If even one of these features is missing, the product is considered incomplete.
  • Should-have: These features are important but not vital. The product can function without them, but their absence may affect the user experience.
  • Could-have: These features are desirable but not necessary. They could enhance the user experience if included, but can be dropped without significantly affecting the product's functionality.
  • Won't-have: These features are the least critical. They may be considered for future development but are not a part of the current development cycle.

For example, if we were building a messaging app, the MoSCoW analysis could look like this:

  • Must-have: Ability to send and receive messages, user authentication.
  • Should-have: Ability to send media files, group chat feature.
  • Could-have: Customizable themes, stickers, and emojis.
  • Won't-have: Gaming features, integration with other social media platforms.

This technique allows us to focus our resources on the most impactful features, ensuring that our MVP is lean, effective, and delivers value to the users.

Developing the Prototype

With the core features identified, we move on to develop a prototype. This could be anything from a basic wireframe to a more polished mockup, depending on the product type. The prototype serves as a tangible representation of our MVP, allowing us to visualize and refine the product's functionality before full-scale development begins. There are numerous tools available, each with their unique features and benefits. Here are a few commonly used ones:

  • Figma: Figma is a cloud-based design tool that allows collaboration among team members. It's excellent for designing interfaces and prototyping.
  • Canva: Canva is a graphic design platform that allows users to create social media graphics, presentations, posters and other visual content. It is available on web and mobile and integrates millions of images, fonts, templates and illustrations.
  • Balsamiq: Balsamiq is a rapid wireframing tool that reproduces the experience of sketching on a whiteboard, but on a computer. It’s a valuable resource for teams who need to create prototypes quickly for discussion and collaboration.

Figma has become the industry standard for many teams due to its comprehensive toolset and user-friendly interface. It allows for real-time collaboration, making it a favorite amongst teams that value seamless cooperation. It's also browser-based, which adds to its accessibility and ease of use. Figma's wide range of tools and features cater to both the complexity of the product and the expertise of the team, making it a versatile choice for many projects.

Testing and Obtaining Feedback

Finally, the prototype is released to a select group of users for testing. This phase is crucial as it provides us with feedback from real-world use. We encourage our early adopters to use the product intensively and share their experiences, which helps us identify any issues and gather insights on further enhancements. This feedback loop is vital for iterating on our MVP, ensuring it evolves in response to user needs and expectations. There are several tools available that can streamline this process and make it easier to collect and analyze user feedback.

  • Maze: Maze is a user testing platform that allows you to create interactive prototypes, run usability testing, and analyze user interactions with your MVP. It's a great tool for collecting detailed feedback and understanding how users navigate through your product. You can use Maze to find pain points in your user journey, uncover usability issues, and validate design decisions based on real user data.
  • Typeform: Typeform is an online form builder that allows you to create engaging and interactive surveys, quizzes, and forms. It's a versatile tool that can be used to collect user feedback on various aspects of your MVP. With Typeform, you can ask open-ended questions to gain deep insights into user needs and preferences. You can also use it to conduct user satisfaction surveys and collect feature requests to guide your product development.

Using these tools to gather feedback is a proactive way to ensure your MVP is aligned with user needs and expectations, and to make informed decisions about future development.

Maximizing Cost-Efficiency in MVP Development

Effective Budget Allocation

Accurate budget estimation is critical for the successful development of an MVP. It ensures that financial resources are allocated efficiently, preventing cost overruns that can jeopardize the project. We prioritize spending on high-impact areas that directly contribute to the MVP's value proposition, ensuring every dollar spent is an investment towards our product's success.

Here are crucial tips for you, a startup founder, to ensure accurate budget estimation for successful MVP development:

  • Prioritize your spending on areas that significantly contribute to the MVP's value proposition.
  • Establish a clear understanding of your MVP's core features to avoid overspending on unnecessary elements.
  • Consider utilizing cost-effective services or tools where appropriate to reduce expenses.
  • Regularly review and adjust the budget as development progresses to prevent cost overruns.
  • Consider seeking external funding or investment if necessary to cover the costs of development.
  • Keep a reserved budget for unexpected costs or challenges that might arise during the development process.

Outsourcing vs In-House Development

Deciding between outsourcing and in-house development involves weighing various pros and cons. Outsourcing can be cost-effective, providing access to specialized skills and potentially faster turnaround times without the overhead of hiring full-time staff. However, it may pose challenges in communication and quality control. On the other hand, in-house development ensures better control over the project and closer collaboration within the team, enhancing the alignment with business goals.

Outsourcing to a nearshore development team can drastically reduce costs and enhance the speed of MVP development. One of the significant advantages of nearshore development is that it provides access to a wide range of expertise, which may not be readily available in-house. This allows startups to leverage the skills of experienced software developers, architects, and DevOps experts at an hourly rate, significantly reducing costs and improving the quality of the final product.

In contrast, building an in-house team can become a challenge for startups, especially at the early stages. It involves not only the cost of hiring but also the time and resources spent on training and managing the team. It also exposes the startup to the risks of staff turnover and the subsequent loss of knowledge and expertise.

Freelancers, although offering a seemingly cost-effective alternative, can pose risks such as inconsistent quality, lack of accountability, and potential issues with reliability and commitment.

Outsourcing companies, particularly those offering nearshore services, provide a valuable alternative. They offer flexible arrangements including the potential for transferring the team to the startup, thereby preserving the knowledge and expertise within the startup. This approach ensures continuity and enables the startup to maintain control over the development process.

At Tre Astronautas, we have extensive experience in helping startups develop their MVPs and reaching growth stages. We've assisted startups in raising more than 10 million USD, leveraging our expertise to create cost-effective and high-quality software solutions. Our nearshore services provide the benefits of similar time zones, cultural affinity, and easy communication, further enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the development process. With our flexible and collaborative approach, we become an extension of your team, committed to transforming your innovative ideas into a tangible and successful product.

Here are the pros and cons of in-house teams and outsourced nearshore development teams:

In-house Teams

  • Pros:
    • Better control over the project
    • Closer collaboration within the team
    • Enhanced alignment with business goals
  • Cons:
    • Can become a challenge for startups, especially at early stages
    • Involves the cost of hiring, training, and managing the team
    • Exposes the startup to the risks of staff turnover and loss of knowledge

Outsourced Nearshore Development Teams

  • Pros:
    • Can drastically reduce costs and enhance speed of MVP development
    • Provides access to a wide range of expertise
    • Offers flexible arrangements, including the potential for transferring the team to the startup
    • Nearshore services provide benefits of similar time zones, cultural affinity, and easy communication
  • Cons:
    • If knowledge transfer is not possible, it poses a risk as the startup might lose vital information and expertise.
    • If the outsourcing company does not have experience working with other startups and understanding the challenges of MVP development, it could lead to inefficiencies and misunderstandings.

Leveraging Pre-built Integrations for Faster MVP Development

To accelerate the development process of your MVP (and reduce costs), you can leverage pre-built integrations with existing services. This approach allows you to add complex functionalities to your product without having to build everything from scratch. For example, you can integrate existing communication software to provide chat and video call features or use third-party providers to execute operations for fintech applications. This way, you can focus your development efforts on your product's unique value proposition while saving time and resources.

Here are some key points to consider when evaluating which functionalities can be outsourced to third parties:

  • Analyze the Costs: Compare the costs of building the feature in-house versus using a third-party service. Consider not just the immediate development cost but also the long-term costs of maintaining and updating the feature.
  • Evaluate the Core Competencies of Your Team: If a feature falls outside of your team's expertise, it might be more efficient to use a third-party service. This allows your team to focus on areas where they can add the most value.
  • Consider the Time Factor: Using third-party services can significantly speed up the development process, allowing you to get your MVP to market faster.
  • Mind the User Experience: Ensure that using a third-party service doesn't compromise the user experience. The integration should be seamless and consistent with the rest of your product.
  • Assess the Scalability: As your product grows, you might need to scale certain features. Check whether the third-party service can scale with your needs or whether it might be more beneficial to build the feature in-house in the long run.

Remember, the goal is to build a lean yet powerful MVP in the most effective and efficient manner. Therefore, utilizing third-party services for certain functionalities can be a strategic decision that allows you to focus on the core value proposition of your product.

As your product matures and it makes sense in terms of cost and strategic positioning, you can gradually start building these functionalities in-house. Create a backlog of these features and prioritize them according to their impact on your product's value proposition and your team's capacity to develop them. This approach ensures a continuous and strategic development process that aligns with your product's growth and market demands.


Developing an MVP is a strategic endeavor that demands comprehensive market understanding, focus on essential features, and a dynamic approach to feedback. It's a process of continuous learning, adjusting, and evolving in tune with user needs and market trends.

Startups must prioritize cost-effectiveness and efficiency. Utilize tools and methodologies that accelerate development while maximizing value. Remember, the journey of MVP development goes beyond merely building a product.

The MVP plays a pivotal role in a startup's journey. It's the guiding light that drives growth, validates market fit, and lays the foundation for success. By comprehending the intricacies involved in MVP development, startup founders can tread the path from concept to market with assuredness, guaranteeing their venture starts on a solid foundation.

Consider this guide as your blueprint. It illuminates the essentials of cost-effective MVP development for startups, empowering you to make informed decisions along your journey.


Q: What is an MVP?

An MVP, or Minimum Viable Product, is a version of a new product that allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort.

Q: Why is an MVP important for startups?

An MVP helps startups test their product concept in the market with minimal investment. It reduces financial risks and allows the collection of valuable user feedback early in the development process.

Q: How can I ensure cost-efficiency during MVP development?

You can ensure cost-efficiency by prioritizing features, leveraging pre-built integrations, and considering outsourcing development. Regular review and adjustment of the budget as development progresses is also crucial.

Q: What is the MoSCoW technique in MVP development?

The MoSCoW technique is a method used to prioritize features in a product. It categorizes features into four groups: Must-have, Should-have, Could-have, and Won't-have.

Q: What is the role of feedback in MVP development?

Feedback is crucial as it guides the iterations of the MVP, ensuring it evolves in response to user needs and expectations. Feedback from actual users throughout the development process helps in making informed decisions and pivoting when necessary.

Q: In-house teams vs. outsourced development teams – which one should I choose?

The choice depends on various factors such as the cost, control over the project, and required expertise. While in-house development ensures better control and closer collaboration, outsourcing can be cost-effective, providing access to specialized skills and potentially faster turnaround times.

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