Proven approaches for exceptional results

Our Methodologies

We combine modern, proven methodologies to ensure the success of your software projects. Our approach is grounded in Agile principles and incorporates Behaviour Driven Development, Design Thinking, DevSecOps, Scrum, and Lean methodologies. Here's how we deliver exceptional value through our structured and flexible project methodologies.
Aligning Software with Business Goals

Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)

BDD ensures that the software we develop aligns closely with your business goals and user expectations. By writing test cases in plain language, we foster clear communication between stakeholders and developers, ensuring that the software meets the desired outcomes.

Key Benefits

  • Enhanced Collaboration: Clear communication between non-technical stakeholders and developers.
  • Requirement Validation: Ensures that software functionalities are directly tied to business objectives.
  • Reduced Misunderstandings: Plain language scenarios minimize the risk of misinterpretation.

Core Features

  • Plain Language Scenarios: Test cases are written in language understandable by all stakeholders.
  • Collaborative Approach: Involves close cooperation between developers, testers, and business stakeholders.
  • Focus on Behaviour: Emphasizes the behavior of the software in real-world scenarios.
Maximizing Value, Minimizing Waste


Lean methodologies help us maximize value while minimizing waste. By focusing on what truly adds value for the customer, we streamline our processes and improve efficiency.

Key Benefits

  • Increased Efficiency: Streamlined processes reduce waste, saving time and resources.
  • Greater Value: We focus on customer needs to deliver high-value outcomes that exceed expectations.
  • Ongoing Enhancement: Regular refinements improve organizational performance, striving beyond the status quo.

Core Features

  • Just-In-Time Production: Producing only what's needed, when it's needed, reducing waste, and improving software quality.
  • Value Stream Mapping: Identifying and eliminating non-value steps in a process for efficiency.

  • Customer Focus: Prioritizing customer needs and aligning processes for their fulfillment.
Ensuring Excellence at Every Stage

Quality Assistance

Quality Assistance ensures that quality is built into every stage of the development process. By integrating QA practices throughout, we proactively address potential defects and improve the overall product quality.
⚠️ We favor Quality Assistance, over Quality Assurance, to avoid bottlenecks and reduce development load. Through integrated checks, we identify and solve issues quickly, decrease rework, and promote collaboration, ensuring high standards from the start.

Key Benefits

  • Higher Quality: Early detection and resolution of issues lead to a more polished final product.
  • Efficiency: Automated testing reduces manual effort and speeds up the release process.

  • Customer Satisfaction: Ensuring the product meets or exceeds expectations enhances user satisfaction.

Core Features

  • Proactive Testing: QA involvement from the start to identify and resolve issues early.
Automation: Extensive use of automated testing to ensure thorough and consistent quality checks.
Collaboration: Close cooperation between QA, developers, and stakeholders to maintain high standards.
Streamlined collaboration for efficient delivery


DevOps integrates development and operations to improve collaboration and productivity. This approach ensures that the entire software development lifecycle is efficient, reliable, and secure.

Key Benefits

  • Efficiency: Streamlining processes cuts time and effort, enhancing productivity and user experience.
  • Reliability: Continuous testing and integration improve software quality and reliability by promptly identifying and fixing issues.
  • Collaboration: A culture of shared responsibility boosts team collaboration, fostering innovation and cohesion.

Core Features

  • Continuous Integration: Regularly merging code changes to a shared repository to detect and address issues early.
  • Continuous Delivery: Automating the release process to deploy code changes quickly and safely.
  • Collaborative Culture: Fostering a culture of shared responsibility between development and operations teams.
Empathetic innovation via prototyping

Design Thinking

We employ Design Thinking to create innovative solutions that address real user needs. This methodology emphasizes empathy, ideation, prototyping, and testing to ensure that the end product is user-centric and effective.

Key Benefits

  • User-Centric Solutions: The approach focuses on user's experience and feedback, ensuring a product that meets their needs.
  • Innovative Approaches: Fosters creative problem-solving, allowing for unique solutions.
  • Reduced Risk: Early prototyping and testing minimize the risk of costly changes later, identifying potential issues early.

Core Features

  • Empathy: Understand user’s needs, wants, and challenges to design a product that solves their problems.

  • Ideation: Generate a variety of potential solutions, encouraging innovative thinking.

  • Prototyping: Create simple versions of solutions to evaluate different ideas and make adjustments.
  • Testing: Gather user feedback to refine prototypes, evolving the final product.
Structured sprints for continuous improvement

Agile and Scrum

We utilize Agile and Scrum methodologies to break down complex projects into manageable increments called sprints. Each sprint lasts two weeks and focuses on delivering functional software or design increments, gathering feedback from stakeholders, and iterating based on the insights gained. This iterative process ensures continuous improvement and adaptability to changing needs.

Key Benefits

  • Rapid Delivery: Involves frequent delivery of valuable product increments for continuous improvement.

  • Flexibility: Ability to adapt to changing requirements, vital in a rapidly evolving world.

  • Transparency: Regular updates and reviews maintain open communication with stakeholders.

  • Continuous Improvement: Regular feedback loops help refine the product to meet user needs and expectations.

Core Features

  • Time-boxed: Each sprint is strictly two weeks, fostering urgency and ensuring constant progress and reviews.
  • Goal-oriented: Specific objectives are set at the beginning of each sprint, guiding the team’s efforts.
  • Collaborative: Interdisciplinary teams work together to achieve sprint goals.
  • Iterative: Sprints are part of a continuous cycle, enabling ongoing improvement and adaptation.
A Structured approach for success

Our Process

At Tres Astronautas, we have a well-defined process that ensures we deliver exceptional value and high-quality software solutions. Our process is divided into three main stages: Definition, Creation, and Adoption.
2 Weeks
Sprints / Work Cycles
Up to 75%
Faster Time to Market
Net Promoter Score
Laying the foundation


We begin every project by thoroughly understanding your business objectives and user needs. This stage involves research, ideation, and planning to ensure that our development efforts align with your goals.

Key Activities

Impact Mapping

Aligning the project vision, business objectives, and success metrics.

User Research

Gathering insights from stakeholders to inform decision-making.


Comparing with competitors and similar solutions to make informed decisions.

User Personas and Interviews

Creating detailed profiles of target users to tailor the solution to their needs.

Wireframes and Prototypes

Visualizing user interactions and design concepts for early feedback.

A new path for your desire future


In this stage, we implement the code necessary to bring your vision to life. Our teams work collaboratively, using a range of technologies, platforms, and frameworks to build robust and scalable solutions.

Key Activities

Behaviour & Business Driven Development

Ensuring software functionality aligns with business goals.


Integrating development and operations practices to ensure efficient and reliable software delivery.

Continuous Integration & Deployment (CI/CD)

Automating development, testing, and deployment processes for frequent, reliable releases.

Code Reviews and Quality Assurance

Ensuring high-quality code through systematic reviews and rigorous testing.

Wireframes and Prototypes

Visualizing user interactions and design concepts for early feedback.

Ensuring successful implementation


Ensuring that the final product is adopted effectively by users is crucial. We implement strategies to facilitate a smooth transition, maximize user adoption, and achieve the intended business impact.

Key Activities

Go-to-Market Planning

Effective strategies to introduce and promote the software to the target audience.

Change Management

Facilitating organizational transitions to minimize resistance and ensure smooth adoption.

User Training and Support

Providing comprehensive training and ongoing support to equip users with the knowledge to utilize the software effectively.

Performance Monitoring

Collecting user analytics to optimize the software’s performance and user experience.

Houston, we have a new mission!

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