Custom software development

CEO Insights: Reducing Software Development Costs Successfully

Alejandro Córdoba Borja
Tres Astronautas
All industries
June 27, 2024
10 min
Key Insights:
  • Early market testing is a key strategy in software development, providing crucial insights into the potential of a business idea before committing significant resources.
  • Designing a strategic tech stack can enhance application development speed, maintainability, and security, thus influencing a venture's success and growth trajectory.
  • Implementing practices like Behaviour Driven Development (BDD), DevOps principles, and lean methodologies can significantly economize the software development lifecycle, ensuring operational excellence and continuous improvement.
  • The distinction between quality assistance and assurance can reshape approaches to constructing robust software systems, with quality assistance emerging as a proactive approach that integrates quality checks throughout the development process.

Efficiency and agility are the heartbeat of software development processes. In the labyrinth of complexities, we tirelessly seek innovative tactics to reduce costs, all while upholding the banner of quality. This equilibrium demands a fusion of technological competence, strategic vision, and a profound grasp of market demands.

Assuring cost-effective development and enhancing user experience, maintaining quality, and adhering to Agile methodology are the stepping stones to sustainable growth and a competitive edge. The aim here is to illuminate tested techniques and frontier insights that can significantly economize the software development lifecycle.

Our journey begins with early market testing, a compass guiding us to validate concepts and streamline product development towards meeting genuine user needs, thus lowering the expense of revisions. We then navigate the design of a strategic tech stack, optimizing for efficiency and scalability while curbing software maintenance costs.

We adopt practices like Behavior-Driven Development (BDD), DevOps principles, and lean methodologies. This allows us to unlock operational excellence and nurture a culture of continuous improvement. The distinction between quality assistance and assurance reshapes our approach to constructing robust software systems.

Outsourcing software development emerges as a powerful strategy, enabling us to tap into global talent while effectively managing cost structures. Lastly, we weave in continuous feedback loops, ensuring our products evolve in sync with user expectations and market trends. This embodies a risk-based approach to prioritize and tackle potential setbacks.

Throughout this journey, our focus is on crafting Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) that are both cost-efficient and yield significant impact. This heralds a new epoch of software development, driven by insight, innovation, and inclusivity.

Engage in Early Market Testing

Early market testing is a key strategy in our pursuit to optimize software development. It ensures our products don't just meet, but exceed market expectations. We, at Tres Astronautas, fully endorse this approach, acknowledging its crucial role in driving product development towards triumphant outcomes.

Benefits of Market Testing

Market testing is instrumental in validating the potential of a business idea before committing significant resources. Here are five compelling reasons why this practice is indispensable:

  1. Optimized Resource Allocation: By testing early, we prevent the wastage of time and resources on products that may not be viable in the market.
  2. Data-Informed Decisions: The hard data collected from market tests provides a more reliable basis for decisions than mere qualitative feedback.
  3. Marketing Intelligence: These tests deliver insights into effective marketing strategies, helping identify the most impactful messages and channels.
  4. Defining the Target Audience: Early testing helps in pinpointing the exact demographic profile of potential customers, which is crucial for tailored marketing strategies.
  5. Evidence-Based Arguments: The tangible data from market tests facilitate convincing stakeholders of a business idea’s potential, bolstering support for further development.

How to Gather Feedback

To effectively gather feedback during early market testing, follow these steps:

  1. Craft an Engaging Landing Page: Develop a landing page that clearly explains your product or service. Use this as a tool to attract potential users and collect their feedback.
  2. Initiate Social Media or Google Ads Campaigns: These campaigns help gauge product interest by analyzing user interactions and engagement metrics.
  3. Conduct A/B Tests: Test different aspects of your product, such as price points, to determine what attracts customers most.
  4. Engage Existing Customers via Email Campaigns: If you already have a customer base, utilize it to validate new concepts and gather valuable feedback.

Through these methods, we ensure that our software solutions are not only built on innovative ideas but are also finely tuned to meet the dynamic needs of the market. This proactive approach allows us to adapt swiftly and efficiently, keeping us ahead in the competitive landscape.

Develop a Strategic Tech Stack

Designing a savvy tech stack is vital for boosting application development speed while safeguarding scalability, maintainability, and security. By comprehending the core components and the advantages of a strategic method, we can make informed decisions that markedly influence our venture's triumph and growth trajectory.

Criteria for Tech Stack Selection

Selecting the appropriate tech stack is more than just a technical decision; it's a strategic choice that determines the development path of your startup. Here are key criteria to consider:

  1. Scalability and Flexibility: The tech stack should support seamless scalability and adaptability to changing business requirements. For instance, cloud-based services like AWS or Azure support scalability and adaptability to changing business requirements.
  2. Development Speed and Cost: Choose technologies that enable faster development cycles and reduce costs, allowing for quick market entry. Cross-platform technologies like Flutter enable faster development cycles and reduce costs, allowing for quick market entry.
    1. What is a Cross-platform technology? Cross-platform technology refers to software or applications that can run on multiple operating systems or devices, such as Android, and iOS. This technologies offer a more efficient development process by allowing developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms.
  3. Security Features: Incorporate frameworks and tools that offer robust security features to protect sensitive data.
  4. Developer Familiarity and Community Support: Opt for widely used technologies with a large community and good documentation to ease the recruitment of skilled developers and ensure ongoing support. Opt for widely used technologies like JavaScript, Angular or React, which come with a large community and good documentation to ease the recruitment of skilled developers and ensure ongoing support.
  5. Integration Capabilities: Ensure the tech stack supports a wide range of third-party integrations for enhanced functionality.

How can you help as the CEO?

Even if you, as the CEO, lack direct technological expertise, you can still play a crucial role in selecting a tech stack by utilizing your strategic understanding of the company's needs and objectives. You can work closely with technical leaders to ensure the chosen technologies align with the company's strategic direction. This might include considerations of scalability, cost, security, and the skill set of the existing team. Furthermore, as a CEO you can also consider the tech stack's impact on the company's ability to recruit top talent, as certain technologies may be more attractive to prospective employees.  Here are a couple of questions you can ask your tech leader when choosing a tech stack:

  • What are the long-term maintenance costs of this technology?
  • How does this tech stack align with our company's strategic goals and objectives?
  • What kind of security features does this tech stack provide?
  • How scalable is this tech stack in relation to our projected growth?
  • Is there a strong community and ample resources for support with this technology?
  • How familiar is our team with this technology and how steep is the learning curve?
  • Does this technology support integration with other systems and tools we currently use or plan to use in the future?

Benefits of the Right Tech Stack

Choosing a well-suited tech stack brings multiple advantages:

  • Enhanced Productivity: A cohesive and familiar tech stack streamlines coding processes, reducing complexities and focusing on innovation.
  • Improved User Experience: A user-friendly interface increases overall user satisfaction and enhances the user experience.
  • Cost Efficiency: Promoting clean and maintainable code reduces technical debt and future maintenance costs.
  • Rapid Market Adaptation: With the right tech stack, startups can quickly adapt to market changes and user feedback, ensuring the product remains relevant and competitive.

By aligning our tech stack with these strategic and operational goals, we position ourselves to not only meet but exceed market demands, ensuring long-term success and sustainability.

Implement BDD, DevOps and Lean Practices

Behaviour Driven Development

At the heart of reducing software development costs while enhancing product quality is Behaviour Driven Development (BDD). BDD focuses on the functional requirements and business goals of an application, using natural language to describe behavior, which fosters better communication and collaboration among stakeholders. This method not only aligns development with user expectations but also reduces ambiguities, ensuring that the software precisely meets business needs. Tools like Cucumber and Behave have popularized BDD by enabling executable specifications that are understandable by both technical and non-technical team members, thereby bridging gaps and enhancing the clarity of business objectives.

As we delve deeper into the realm of Behaviour Driven Development (BDD), it becomes evident that its true power lies in its ability to facilitate clear communication between technical and non-technical teams.

BDD uses a common language to describe the behavior and outcomes of a system. This makes the specifications accessible and understandable to all members of a project, regardless of their technical background. For example, instead of a technical specification like "The system shall authenticate a user with a valid username and password," BDD would phrase it as "Given a user has entered a valid username and password, when they attempt to log in, then they should gain access to the system." This human-readable format is much easier for non-technical stakeholders, like managers or clients, to understand.

The importance of having both technical and non-technical team members speak the same language cannot be overstated. When everyone in a project understands the specifications and the expected outcomes, collaboration becomes smoother, miscommunications are reduced, and the final product aligns more closely with business objectives and user needs.

In BDD, aligning business objectives and requirements is a key activity. Unlike most software development methodologies, BDD places the business and its objectives at the center. The key activities of BDD include:

  1. Discovery: Collaborative activities such as Example Mapping or Feature Mapping are used to explore and define the expected behavior of the system.
  2. Formulation: The expected behaviors are documented in a way that can be automated, often using Gherkin syntax.
  3. Automation: The documented behaviors are then automated into a set of tests, which guide the development of the software.

Therefore, BDD is a powerful strategy for aligning technical development with business objectives, fostering clear communication, and promoting high-quality outcomes. This approach to software development is not only efficient but also lays the groundwork for the integration of DevOps practices, which we will examine next.

The role of DevOps in cost reduction

DevOps practices are pivotal in accelerating software delivery while maintaining high quality and stability. By integrating Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD), DevOps enables frequent, reliable releases with reduced deployment failures. This systematic approach minimizes development time and enhances security, leading to significant cost reductions. Moreover, embracing a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration under DevOps ensures that all team members are aligned with the project's goals, further driving down costs and fostering a high-performance environment.

CEO's Role in Implementing a DevOps Culture

As a CEO, your role in implementing a DevOps culture can be significant. You can lead by example and demonstrate commitment to the DevOps philosophy, which emphasizes collaboration between software development and IT operations teams. It is also essential to dispel a common misconception that DevOps is merely a set of tools or tasks. In reality, DevOps is a culture, and unless the whole company adopts this mindset, it won't yield the desired results.

  1. Promote Collaboration: Encourage open communication and collaboration within and between teams. Foster an environment where developers and operations staff can work together seamlessly.
  2. Invest in Training and Tools: Ensure your teams have the necessary training and tools to implement DevOps practices effectively. This could include investing in new software or providing training for existing staff.
  3. Incorporate DevOps in Strategy: Integrate DevOps into the company's strategic planning. This shows that you value DevOps and are committed to its successful implementation.
  4. Reward DevOps Practices: Recognize and reward teams and individuals who successfully implement DevOps practices. This can motivate others to do the same.
  5. Encourage Continuous Learning: Promote a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Encourage teams to regularly review and improve their DevOps practices.

By taking these steps, you can play a crucial role in implementing a successful DevOps culture in your organization.

Lean in Software Development

Lean principles applied to software development emphasize eliminating waste and optimizing processes to deliver value more efficiently. By breaking down work into smaller, manageable components and enhancing visibility of the workflow, Lean methodologies encourage continuous feedback and rapid iterations. This approach not only speeds up the development process but also significantly cuts costs by reducing unnecessary work and focusing on essential features that meet customer needs effectively.

As a CEO, you can play a pivotal role in implementing Lean practices into the development workflow by fostering a culture of continuous improvement and efficiency. You can start by promoting the adoption of Lean principles, such as eliminating waste, optimizing processes, and delivering value more efficiently. Encourage teams to break down work into smaller, manageable components and enhance the visibility of the workflow. You can also advocate for regular feedback and rapid iterations, which not only speed up the development process but also significantly cut costs by reducing unnecessary work. Lastly, ensure that all processes and practices focus on meeting customer needs effectively, which is at the heart of Lean methodologies.

Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps

The insights from "Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps" highlight the effectiveness of integrating Lean and DevOps practices to achieve high performance at scale. The book, backed by extensive research, argues against the traditional trade-off between speed and stability, showing that it is possible to achieve both through rigorous implementation of DevOps and Lean strategies. Key practices like automation, continuous delivery, and a focus on performance metrics like deployment frequency and change fail rate are essential for organizations aiming to reduce costs and enhance efficiency in their software development processes.

The book "Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps" outlines the following Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that are crucial for not only the tech team, but also for the business as a whole. These KPIs, which can be measured using a variety of tools such as Jira, Jenkins, and others, help monitor the efficiency and effectiveness of the software development process:

  • Deployment Frequency: The pace at which new code is delivered for deployment. This KPI is crucial as it indicates the speed at which new features and improvements are being delivered to the users.
  • Lead Time for Changes: The time taken from code commit to code successfully running in production. This is important as it shows how quickly changes can be made live, which is often critical for responding to market changes and user feedback.
  • Time to Restore Service: The speed at which service can be restored after a system failure or incident. This is a key measure of the system's resilience and the team's ability to handle issues, which directly impacts customer satisfaction and trust.
  • Change Failure Rate: The percentage of changes that cause a failure in production. This KPI is vital as it can help identify issues with the development process and highlight areas for improvement.

These KPIs not only help in continuously improving the development process but also provide valuable insights into how the tech team's performance impacts the overall business outcomes.

Quality Assistance vs Assurance

What is Quality Assurance and What is Quality Assistance

  • Quality Assurance (QA): This is a traditional practice in software development where a separate team is responsible for checking the quality of the software after it has been developed. This team tests the software for bugs or issues and makes sure that it meets the specified requirements.
    • Most Used Option: QA is the most commonly used practice in the software industry. However, it can create bottlenecks in the development process as the testing phase is separate from the development phase.
    • Bottlenecks: Since the QA team tests the software after it has been developed, any issues or bugs found will require the development team to go back and make changes. This can delay the delivery of the software, especially if major issues are found.
  • Quality Assistance (QA): This is a newer approach where the focus is on preventing defects from occurring in the first place. Instead of a separate team testing the software after it has been developed, the entire team is responsible for maintaining the quality of the software throughout the development process.
    • Emerging Practice: While Quality Assistance is not as widely used as Quality Assurance, it is gaining popularity in the industry due to its proactive approach to ensuring software quality.
    • Preventing Bottlenecks: By integrating quality checks throughout the development process, Quality Assistance helps to prevent bottlenecks from occurring. Any potential issues can be identified and addressed immediately, making the development process more efficient.

Early-stage Quality Assistance Benefits

Quality Assistance, as defined by Cem Kaner, shifts the focus from detecting defects post-development to integrating quality from the beginning of the software development lifecycle. This proactive approach ensures that developers embed quality into the application right from the start, significantly reducing the time and resources spent on rectifying issues later. By involving all team members in the quality process, not just the QA specialists, we foster a culture where quality is everyone's responsibility, leading to more robust software solutions.

Methods of Quality Assistance Implementation

To transform Quality Assurance into Quality Assistance effectively, we must adopt a series of strategic steps:

  1. Acculturation of Quality Mindset: It's crucial to continuously communicate the importance of quality across all teams until it becomes a part of the organization's culture. This includes understanding the 'why' behind the transition and visualizing the benefits, which helps in gaining buy-in from various stakeholders.
  2. Technical Empowerment: Equip quality engineers with the necessary technical skills across different development domains such as frontend, backend, mobile, or web. This enables them to support up to five product teams effectively, fostering a deeper understanding and implementation of quality practices.
  3. Strategic Alignment of Roles: Align the roles and responsibilities related to quality across all project teams. This involves defining a quality mission statement, taking ownership of quality deliverables, and conducting regular quality reviews. By doing so, we ensure that quality is seen as a shared responsibility, enhancing the overall integrity and effectiveness of the product.
  4. Integration of Agile and Lean Principles: Implement Agile and Lean methodologies to eliminate bottlenecks and promote continuous improvement. This approach not only accelerates the development process but also integrates quality assurance seamlessly, making it an integral part of the daily workflows rather than a separate phase.

By embracing these methods, we can shift from a traditional Quality Assurance model to a more dynamic and integrated Quality Assistance approach, thereby enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of our software development processes.

Hire Competent Outsourced Teams

Engaging skilled outsourced teams is a strategic move. It's about aligning with the right talent, without compromising on cost efficiency or quality. Let's explore how to do this.

Selecting your outsourcing partner requires careful consideration. You want a partner that matches your project goals, maintains cost-effectiveness and upholds quality standards.

Choosing between nearshore and offshore outsourcing? Weigh the benefits and drawbacks of both. It's all about what fits your vision the best.

Finally, managing outsourced teams effectively is crucial. Clear communication, mutual respect, and understanding go a long way.

Remember, the power to drive your project to success is in your hands.

Evaluating Outsourcing Partners

When considering outsourcing, it's crucial to assess potential partners based on their technical expertise, industry experience, and reputation. Start by reviewing their portfolios and case studies to understand their capability in handling projects similar to yours.

Before delving into potential questions, it's important to remember that the right partner will not only answer your queries but will also demonstrate a proactive approach in understanding and addressing your project needs. Here are some questions you can ask a potential outsourcing partner:

  • Can you provide examples of similar projects you've worked on?
  • What are your communication protocols?
  • How do you handle project management and progress tracking?
  • How do you address potential issues or challenges that may arise during the project?
  • What is your approach to quality assurance and testing?
  • How flexible are you in terms of project alterations or scope changes?

Nearshore vs Offshore

Choosing between nearshore and offshore outsourcing hinges on several factors, including cost, communication, and cultural compatibility. Nearshore outsourcing, where you partner with teams in neighboring countries, often offers greater convenience in terms of similar time zones and cultural alignments, which can enhance collaboration and ease of communication. On the other hand, offshore outsourcing can be more cost-effective, tapping into global talent pools in countries with lower operational costs. However, this often comes with challenges such as significant time zone differences and potential cultural barriers, which can impact project coordination and execution.

Managing Outsourced Teams

Effective management of outsourced teams is pivotal to the success of your projects. Establish clear communication protocols and set up regular check-ins to keep all parties aligned. Use project management tools like Jira to maintain visibility of progress and ensure that everyone is on track with their responsibilities. Regular feedback, both positive and constructive, helps in maintaining project quality and team morale. Additionally, setting up a leadership hierarchy and clear escalation paths can aid in resolving issues swiftly and maintaining project momentum.

Let's dive into a practical step-by-step guide on the critical elements that need to be defined when working with an outsourced team:

  1. Define the Project Scope: Clearly outline the project's objectives, expected deliverables, timeline, and budget. This gives the outsourced team a clear understanding of what is expected of them.
  2. Set Communication Protocols: Establish clear communication channels and regular check-in schedules. This ensures that all parties stay updated on the project's progress and any issues are communicated promptly.
  3. Assign Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly outline who is responsible for what aspect of the project. This helps avoid confusion and ensures that all parts of the project are adequately managed.
  4. Set Quality Standards: Define the quality standards that the project must meet. This sets a benchmark against which the work of the outsourced team can be measured.
  5. Establish Project Management Processes: Decide on the project management methodologies and tools that will be used to manage the project. This helps keep the project organized and on track.
  6. Plan for Regular Feedback: Schedule regular feedback sessions to discuss the project's progress and address any issues. This allows for continuous improvement of the project.

By carefully selecting your outsourcing partner and managing the relationship thoughtfully, you can leverage outsourced teams to achieve significant cost savings while ensuring high-quality software development outcomes.

Why We Believe We are a Good Choice (Tres Astronautas)

At Tres Astronautas, we have successfully completed over 100 projects, generating a significant 34 million USD for our clients. Our customer satisfaction is reflected in our Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 83, which is more than double the industry average of 40. We pride ourselves on delivering projects on time and within budget, boasting a successful completion rate of 94.12%, where the industry average is only 16%.

We follow a customer-centric approach, ensuring that we understand your business needs and goals before we start any development work. This approach allows us to create solutions that are tailored to your specific needs and objectives.

That’s why our success is largely due to our adoption of Behavior Driven Development (BDD). BDD ensures alignment between technical development and business objectives, fostering clear communication, and promoting high-quality outcomes. This method helps us design software that precisely meets the business needs of our clients, reducing ambiguities and exceeding market expectations.

Our commitment to Agile methodologies ensures that you are involved in every step of the development process. We believe in transparency and keep you updated on the progress of the project at all times. We also prioritize feedback and incorporate it into our development process to improve the product continuously.

Furthermore, our flexible engagement models make us an affordable choice for businesses of all sizes. We understand that every business is unique, and we tailor our services to fit your budget and requirements

Incorporate Continuous Feedback Loops

Importance of Feedback

Feedback loops are foundational in software development, significantly influencing functionality, usability, and overall success. By integrating continuous feedback throughout the software development lifecycle, we ensure that the product evolves in alignment with user expectations and business goals. This approach not only enhances the quality but also optimizes the development process by identifying and addressing issues swiftly and efficiently. Our commitment to Agile methodology, particularly using the Scrum framework, emphasizes collaboration between our development team and you, our client, ensuring your involvement at every stage.

Methods to Implement Feedback

To effectively incorporate continuous feedback loops, we employ several robust methods:

  1. Regular Sprint Reviews: Attending these reviews is crucial as they provide a platform to demonstrate progress and receive immediate feedback. This practice helps in making informed decisions on whether to continue, alter, or halt development efforts, thereby maximizing the project's success and resource utilization.
  2. Sprint Retrospectives: These sessions offer a valuable opportunity for you to provide feedback on the process and suggest improvements for future sprints. Your insights guide the team on performance and necessary adjustments, enhancing the development process's effectiveness.
  3. Backlog Refinement Meetings: Maintaining open communication during these meetings ensures that all expectations and goals are clearly understood and met. Early feedback during these sessions allows developers to adapt to changes swiftly, preventing major setbacks and reducing developmental costs.
  4. Utilizing PDCA Cycle: The Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle, a core component of the Kaizen approach, is instrumental in our feedback loops. It helps in continuously improving standards by allowing us to analyze problems, define improvement strategies, and assess outcomes to refine our approach further.
  5. Leveraging Technology for Feedback Collection: We employ various tools to gather both active and passive feedback. In-app surveys triggered contextually, and automated feedback mechanisms ensure we capture comprehensive user experiences. This data is crucial for our ongoing development and refinement efforts.

By adopting these methods, we not only streamline our development process but also significantly enhance product quality and customer satisfaction, ensuring that our software solutions meet and exceed expectations.


Wrapping up, we've armed you with an all-encompassing roadmap to slash software development costs while simultaneously sustaining high-quality outputs. Behavior-Driven Development (BDD), Lean principles, and DevOps are key methodologies to adopt. Embracing a Quality Assistance mindset and deftly managing outsourced teams further propel you towards your goal.

These strategies prioritize aligning tech development with business objectives, clear communication, and fostering a culture of ongoing learning and refinement. Bolster your business objectives and keep the communication lines open.

The power of continuous feedback loops can't be underestimated. They ensure agility and responsiveness to user needs and expectations throughout the software development process. Not only does this enhance your final product's quality, but it also streamlines the development process by quickly identifying and tackling any issues.

In the end, these strategies lead to more robust software solutions. Rest assured, your investments in software development are not only cost-effective but also deliver significant value.


  1. What is DevOps?
    • DevOps is an approach that emphasizes collaboration between software development and IT operations teams. It integrates Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD), enabling frequent, reliable releases with reduced deployment failures.
  2. What is Lean in software development?
    • Lean principles applied to software development emphasize eliminating waste and optimizing processes to deliver value more efficiently. This approach encourages continuous feedback and rapid iterations, speeding up the development process and significantly cutting costs.
  3. What is Quality Assurance (QA) vs Quality Assistance in software development?
    • Quality Assurance is a traditional practice where a separate team is responsible for checking the software's quality after it has been developed. On the other hand, Quality Assistance is a proactive approach where the entire team is responsible for maintaining the software's quality throughout the development process.
  4. What is nearshore vs offshore outsourcing?
    • Nearshore outsourcing involves partnering with teams in neighboring countries, offering convenience in terms of similar time zones and cultural alignments. Offshore outsourcing taps into global talent pools in countries with lower operational costs, though this can come with challenges such as significant time zone differences and potential cultural barriers.
  5. What are continuous feedback loops in software development?
    • Continuous feedback loops are integrated throughout the software development lifecycle, ensuring that the product evolves in alignment with user expectations and business goals. This approach enhances the quality and optimizes the development process by identifying and addressing issues swiftly and efficiently.

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