Saha - Postventas

29% reduction in the time necessary to manage post -sales processes thanks to an application that allows owners to easily find documents, contracts and important information about their new houses.

Real Estate
Custom software development
Business Process Optimization (BPO)
Optimize after -sales process management to improve customer satisfaction.
We create a mobile application that centralizes and organizes after -sales information for owners, allowing them to quickly access relevant documents and contracts, and improving customer experience in the post -sales process.
Custom software development
Houston, we have a new mission!

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One step closer to the stars!

We can't wait to dive into the details of your project and explore the ways we can contribute to its success.  Expect a member of our team to contact you within 2 business days.If you prefer to have a non-disclosure agreement in place before we delve into the specifics, feel free to download and fill out ours. Once completed, you can send it back to us at
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