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How Behavior Driven Development Enhances Agile Methodologies

Alejandro Córdoba Borja
Tres Astronautas
All industries
July 24, 2024
10 min
Key Insights:
  • BDD ensures the delivery of high-value features by focusing on business objectives.
  • Behavior Driven Development (BDD) improves communication and collaboration among team members.
  • BDD uses examples and structured languages like Gherkin to create shared understanding.
  • Automated acceptance testing in BDD enhances software quality and early issue detection.

Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is transforming software development. This approach emphasizes collaboration and shared understanding, revolutionizing how teams build and test software. As agile methodologies evolve, BDD stands out as a powerful tool to enhance software quality and deliver real business value. We've experienced firsthand how BDD can transform teamwork, leading to better communication and more efficient development cycles.

In this article, we'll break down the key principles of BDD and explain how it integrates seamlessly into the agile framework. We'll highlight how BDD improves communication between technical and non-technical team members. You'll also gain practical tips to implement BDD in your agile teams, including writing effective acceptance criteria and automating tests. By the end, you'll understand how BDD can elevate your agile practices and lead to superior software outcomes.

Key Principles of Behavior Driven Development

We've found that Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is a game-changer in the world of software development. It's an approach that brings together diverse team members and aligns everyone towards a common goal. Let's dive into the key principles that make BDD so effective.

Focus on Business Value

At its core, BDD ensures that we deliver exactly what the business needs. By keeping teams focused on the real objectives, it guarantees that every development task aligns with specific business goals. This focus on high-value features ensures that our efforts are always directed towards what truly matters.

Impact mapping is a key technique in BDD. During discovery workshops, it provides a visual representation of user outcomes and their alignment with broader organizational goals. This visual tool is incredibly useful, helping everyone on the team understand the 'why' behind our work. It fosters a shared vision and ensures that we are all moving in the same direction.

By embracing these principles, we empower our teams to deliver impactful and meaningful results.1 2

Shared Understanding Through Examples

BDD's focus on examples transforms team communication. We use Gherkin, a structured language, to outline requirements as scenarios. These scenarios present the software's expected behavior from the user's perspective. Here’s a simple structure for a scenario:

Given a product is priced at £15
When I add it to the basket
Then the total basket price should be £21

This approach offers several key benefits:

  • It bridges the gap between technical and non-technical team members.
  • It reduces ambiguity and misinterpretation.
  • It helps uncover edge cases and potential issues early.

Using a shared language, often called 'ubiquitous language', is crucial. It blends technical and business perspectives, making it accessible for everyone on the team. This inclusive communication fosters better collaboration and understanding. 3

Automated Acceptance Testing

The final key principle of BDD is automating acceptance tests. These tests, based on our examples, serve two crucial purposes:

  1. Ensuring the software behaves as intended
  2. Detecting issues early in the development process

By automating these tests, we can run them continuously, validating that the system supports new behavior even as it evolves. This approach significantly enhances our ability to deliver high-quality software consistently.

We often utilize the Given-When-Then format for these tests, aligning perfectly with frameworks like Cucumber. This format connects cause and effect (which aligns with human thinking) with inputs and outputs (which aligns with how computers process instructions).

Embracing these principles has transformed our development process. We've improved communication, focused our efforts on delivering true business value, and enhanced our ability to ensure software quality throughout the development lifecycle.

BDD's Impact on Agile Methodologies

We've experienced firsthand how Behavior Driven Development (BDD) transforms agile practices. More than just a methodology, it's a game-changer reshaping our software development approach. Let's explore how BDD enhances agile methodologies.

  • BDD revolutionizes our process by fostering collaboration and shared understanding. It bridges gaps between team members, ensuring everyone is aligned and working towards common goals.
  • With BDD, we focus on delivering real business value. By emphasizing user needs and clear communication, we improve the quality and efficiency of our development cycles.

Improving Requirements Gathering

One of the biggest challenges we've faced when moving from traditional requirements gathering to more adaptive frameworks like Scrum is effectively articulating what the business wants. BDD has been a breath of fresh air in this regard. It's helped us shift our focus from system actions to business outcomes, ensuring we're building the right thing for the right reasons.

Here's how BDD has transformed our requirements gathering process:

  • Product Leaders now create narratives that define who derives business benefit, what effect the stakeholder wants, and why - the business value they'll derive.
  • We use the "5 Whys" technique in our sessions to help the business articulate value more clearly.
  • This approach has offset the "us and them" mentality, aligning the whole team around business intent.

Enhancing Collaboration

BDD has been a catalyst for improved collaboration across our teams. It's broken down silos and fostered a shared understanding between technical and non-technical team members. Here's how:

  • We now hold joint sessions where Product Owners (POs), Desigin, and tech teams come together.
  • In these meetings, the tech and design teams articulate their understanding by defining scenarios, ensuring everyone's on the same page.
  • We use a structured language called Gherkin to express requirements as scenarios, which has significantly reduced ambiguity and misinterpretation.

This collaborative approach has led to better communication and more efficient development cycles. We're all "in the boat" together, aligned and working towards the same goals.

Accelerating Feedback Loops

BDD has supercharged our feedback loops, a critical component of agile development. We've implemented a series of feedback mechanisms that provide quick insights at various stages of development:

  1. Unit tests: These provide the fastest feedback, typically every few minutes when using Test-Driven Development (TDD).
  2. Pairing: Developers constantly discuss options, with other developers, with designers, with QA Experts or with Product Leaders.
  3. Automated testing: We run integration, system, and acceptance tests before pushing code to central repositories, providing feedback on demand.
  4. Continuous Integration (CI): Our CI tools run full regression test suites, often tied to GitHub pull requests for immediate feedback.
  5. Sprint reviews: These offer opportunities for feedback from product owners, customers, and other stakeholders at the end of each sprint.

By implementing these feedback loops, we've significantly improved our ability to validate work processes and identify areas for improvement. It's allowed us to be more responsive, encourage continuous learning, and build effective collaboration between team members.

In conclusion, BDD has had a profound impact on our agile methodologies. It's improved our requirements gathering, enhanced collaboration across teams, and accelerated our feedback loops. By adopting BDD, we've created a more flexible, responsive, and effective development process that delivers real business value.

Implementing BDD in Agile Teams

Roles and Responsibilities

Implementing BDD requires a shift in how we approach roles within our agile teams. While Scrum emphasizes self-organization, we've found that certain roles must be clearly defined for BDD to be truly effective.

Introducing the Quality Assistance Lead (not Quality Assurance): This pivotal role acts as a coach and subject matter expert, focusing on testing and coverage. They review test specifications, identify gaps, and collaborate with the team to enhance accuracy. This collaborative approach maintains our agile spirit and empowers the team to achieve excellence.

Inclusivity is key to BDD's success: Involving all stakeholders—developers, business experts, and designers—ensures a shared understanding of requirements and expected behaviors. By bringing everyone together, we create a cohesive team aligned towards common goals.

By embracing these roles and fostering collaboration, we strengthen our agile practices and deliver superior results. 6 7

BDD Workflow in Agile Sprints

We've adapted our sprint workflow to incorporate BDD practices effectively. Here's how we typically approach it:

  1. Discovery Session: At the start of each sprint, we hold a collaborative session where we discuss new features using techniques like example mapping. This helps us outline various scenarios, including edge cases 8.
  2. Formulating Scenarios: We then translate these discussions into Gherkin scenarios, using the Given-When-Then format. This becomes our living documentation 8.
  3. Automation: We automate these scenarios using BDD frameworks like Cucumber. This bridges the gap between our plain language scenarios and the application code 8.
  4. Implementation: Our developers write the application code to pass these newly created tests, working in small increments 8.
  5. Refinement: As we progress, we often discover new scenarios or edge cases, which we add to our test suite. This iterative process ensures thorough testing and alignment with user needs 8.

We've found that this workflow helps us shift left in our development process. It allows us to start test automation immediately, as scenario steps are already written when the sprint begins 9. This approach has streamlined our development process and improved our overall quality.

Measuring BDD Success in Agile Projects

To gage the success of our BDD implementation, we've established several key metrics:

  • Lead Time for Changes: This KPI measures the time it takes from committing a change to the codebase until it is running in production. Shorter lead times indicate a more efficient and responsive development process.
  • Deployment Frequency: This metric tracks how often an organization deploys code to production. Higher deployment frequencies suggest that the team is capable of delivering updates and new features more regularly, which can be indicative of a mature and agile development process.
  • Mean Time to Restore (MTTR): MTTR measures the average time it takes to recover from a failure in production. Lower MTTR values reflect a team's ability to quickly address and resolve issues, minimizing downtime and disruption for users.
  • Change Failure Rate: This KPI assesses the percentage of changes that result in a failure, such as a bug or an outage, in production. A lower change failure rate implies that the team is able to implement changes more reliably and with fewer defects.

We also conduct regular retrospectives after each project to gather qualitative feedback from the team 7. This helps us continuously refine our BDD process.

Final Thoughts on BDD's Impact on Agile Teams

Behavior Driven Development has a profound influence on agile methodologies, improving communication and collaboration among team members. By focusing on business value and shared understanding through examples, BDD helps teams deliver software that truly meets user needs. The integration of automated acceptance testing further enhances the quality and reliability of the developed products, leading to more efficient development cycles and better outcomes.

The adoption of BDD in agile teams brings about a shift in roles and responsibilities, fostering a more collaborative environment. It also streamlines the sprint workflow, allowing for earlier test automation and more thorough coverage of scenarios. To measure success, teams can track metrics like bug rates, development time, and sprint completion rates. To start your journey with BDD, join our free workshop and experience its transformative power firsthand. By embracing BDD, agile teams can enhance their ability to deliver high-quality software that aligns closely with business goals.


What is Behavior Driven Development (BDD)?

Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is a software development approach that emphasizes collaboration among team members and focuses on delivering real business value. It involves writing tests in a structured language like Gherkin, which outlines requirements as scenarios from the user's perspective.

How does BDD enhance agile methodologies?

BDD enhances agile methodologies by improving communication and collaboration among team members. It ensures that everyone is aligned towards common goals, focuses on delivering high-value features, and incorporates automated acceptance testing to ensure software quality.

What are the key principles of BDD?

The key principles of BDD include focusing on business value, creating shared understanding through examples, and automating acceptance tests. These principles help teams deliver impactful results, improve communication, and ensure software behaves as intended.

How does BDD improve requirements gathering?

BDD improves requirements gathering by shifting the focus from system actions to business outcomes. It involves creating narratives that define business benefits, using techniques like the "5 Whys" to articulate value clearly, and engaging all team members in the process.

What role does automated testing play in BDD?

Automated testing is a crucial aspect of BDD. It involves creating tests based on scenarios written in a structured language like Gherkin. These tests ensure the software behaves as expected and help detect issues early in the development process.

How can teams measure the success of BDD implementation?

Teams can measure the success of BDD implementation using key metrics such as lead time for changes, deployment frequency, mean time to restore (MTTR), and change failure rate. Regular retrospectives also provide qualitative feedback to continuously refine the BDD process.

What changes are needed in agile teams to implement BDD effectively?

Implementing BDD requires a shift in roles and responsibilities within agile teams. Introducing roles like the Quality Assistance Lead and involving all stakeholders in the process ensures a shared understanding of requirements and expected behaviors. Collaborative sessions and structured communication are also essential.

How does BDD accelerate feedback loops?

BDD accelerates feedback loops by incorporating various feedback mechanisms such as unit tests, pairing, automated testing, continuous integration, and sprint reviews. These mechanisms provide quick insights at different stages of development, improving responsiveness and encouraging continuous learning.

How does BDD impact sprint workflows?

BDD impacts sprint workflows by incorporating practices like discovery sessions, formulating scenarios, automating tests, and iterative refinement. This approach helps teams start test automation immediately, streamline the development process, and ensure thorough testing aligned with user needs.

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