Digital Transformation

The True Cost of Falling Behind Without Digital Transformation Services

Alejandro Córdoba Borja
Tres Astronautas
All industries
August 29, 2024
10 min
Key Insights:
  • Digital transformation is critical for business success, with digitally mature companies being 26% more profitable than their peers.
  • A significant digital transformation gap exists, with many organizations struggling to realize the full benefits of their digital initiatives.
  • Digital leaders consistently outperform laggards in financial metrics, including shareholder returns, profitability, and efficiency gains.
  • Key areas where digital leaders create lasting value include end-to-end process transformation, hyperautomation, leveraging emerging technologies, and delivering top-notch customer experiences.

The adoption of digital transformation services has become a make-or-break factor for companies across industries. As digital technologies continue to reshape market dynamics, organizations that fail to embrace change risk falling behind their more agile competitors. Recent digital transformation statistics reveal that digitally mature companies are 26% more profitable than their industry peers, highlighting the substantial impact of digital strategies on business performance.

The true cost of lagging in digital transformation extends far beyond immediate financial implications. It encompasses missed opportunities for business model innovation, reduced operational efficiency, and diminished customer experiences. As artificial intelligence and data-driven decision making become integral to business operations, companies that neglect digital transformation risk becoming obsolete in an increasingly digital-first world. This article delves into the consequences of digital complacency, explores the pillars of successful digital transformation, and sheds light on how digital leadership can create lasting value in the modern business environment.

The Digital Transformation Gap

In the race to embrace digital technologies and transform business models, a significant gap has emerged between organizations' ambitions and their ability to realize the full potential of digital transformation. This disparity, known as the digital transformation gap, highlights the challenges companies face in implementing and deriving value from their digital initiatives.

Adoption rates vs. realized benefits

While many organizations recognize the importance of digital transformation, the adoption rates often outpace the realized benefits. A striking statistic reveals that although 89% of large companies globally have initiated digital and AI transformation efforts, they have only captured 31% of the expected revenue lift and 25% of the anticipated cost savings from these initiatives 1. This discrepancy between investment and return raises questions about the effectiveness of digital transformation strategies.

The gap between adoption and value realization is further emphasized by the following points:

  • Digital leaders have shown better financial performance, growing their return on pre-tax tangible equity (ROTE) from 15.5% in 2018 to 19.3% in 2022, while laggards saw a more modest growth from 13.6% to 15.3%.
  • Leaders have outperformed laggards in customer base growth (0.5% annually) and retail revenue growth (0.8% annually) between 2018 and 2022, while laggards experienced stagnant customer growth and a 1.4% annual decline in retail revenues.
  • Operating expenses for digital leaders grew at 1.3% per year, compared to 2.3% for laggards, indicating better cost management through digital transformation.

These statistics highlight the tangible benefits that successful digital transformation can bring to organizations. However, they also underscore the significant gap between those who effectively leverage digital technologies and those who struggle to do so.

Challenges in capturing value

The digital transformation gap is not merely a result of insufficient investment or lack of effort. Several challenges hinder organizations from capturing the full value of their digital initiatives:

  1. Legacy systems dependency: Many organizations, face the burden of intergenerational tech debt, leading to fragmentation of digital assets and data. This dependency on outdated systems makes it difficult to integrate new technologies and processes seamlessly.
  2. Lack of a comprehensive transformation strategy: Staggeringly, almost a third of US organizations reported that they lack a transformation strategy to a large exten. Without a clear roadmap, companies struggle to understand how to develop their technical capabilities and align them with business objectives.
  3. Insufficient budget allocation: Despite recognizing the transformative power of digital capabilities, US organizations allocate only 32% of their budget to digitization. This limited investment prevents full transformation and hinders the fundamental changes needed in how organizations operate.
  4. Barriers to value creation and monetization: US organizations face greater difficulty in extracting the full benefits from investments in digital capabilities due to various barriers. These obstacles include challenges in integrating new technologies with existing systems, difficulties in scaling digital initiatives, and resistance to change within the organization.
  5. Lack of necessary skills and knowledge: One of the most significant barriers to digitization stems from employees' lack of knowledge and skills needed to identify their own digital potential and drive digital transformation 3. This skills gap can slow down the adoption of new technologies and hinder the realization of their full potential.
  6. Insufficient management support: Since digitalization of business is a demanding project that affects not only business processes but often interferes with organizational culture, it is crucial to have the necessary support from the company's management. Without strong leadership backing, digital transformation efforts may lack the resources and focus needed for success.
  7. Failure to understand the holistic nature of digital transformation: Many organizations fail to recognize that digital transformation is more than just investing in the latest information solutions. It requires an understanding of the intertwining and interdependence of technology, processes, business models, and employee behavior.

To address these challenges and bridge the digital transformation gap, organizations should consider the following strategies:

  • Clearly define goals and set a digital strategy: Companies that clearly define their objectives and establish a comprehensive digital strategy are more successful in implementing changes and achieving the positive effects of digitalization .
  • Encourage and motivate employees: It is crucial to invest in increasing employee competencies and emphasize good practices in terms of behavior and conduct . This approach helps create a culture that embraces digital transformation.
  • Foster understanding of the connection between IT and business: Ensuring that everyone in the company understands the benefits of connecting information technology with business operations is essential for creating committed and motivated digital ambassadors .
  • Seek external expertise: Many companies turn to external experts who have more experience in introducing digital processes in business to overcome the lack of qualified employees for such projects.
  • Allocate sufficient resources: Organizations need to invest more aggressively in digital capabilities and technology to drive meaningful transformation.
  • Focus on continuous improvement: Successful digital transformations set companies up for sustained success by mastering continuous innovation rather than treating digital transformation as a one-time event. 4

By addressing these challenges and implementing these strategies, organizations can work towards closing the digital transformation gap and realizing the full potential of their digital initiatives. The journey to becoming a digital leader requires a holistic approach that encompasses technology, processes, people, and culture, ultimately leading to improved performance and competitive advantage in the digital age.

Financial Outperformance of Digital Leaders

Digital excellence has become a key differentiator for companies across industries. Recent studies have shown that organizations that effectively leverage digital technologies and transformation strategies consistently outperform their peers in various financial metrics. This section delves into the financial outperformance of digital leaders, highlighting the tangible benefits of embracing digital transformation.

Shareholder Returns Comparison

One of the most striking indicators of digital leaders' financial success is their ability to create significantly more shareholder value compared to their less digitally advanced counterparts. A McKinsey study examining 20 digital leaders and 20 digital laggards in retail banking between 2018 and 2022 revealed compelling evidence of this trend 5.

  • Total Shareholder Returns: Digital leaders achieved average annual total shareholder returns of 8.1% between 2018 and 2022, while laggards managed only 4.9% during the same period. This substantial difference of 3.2 percentage points underscores the impact of digital transformation on investor confidence and market perception.
  • Price-to-Equity Ratios: The study also found that digital leaders boasted significantly higher price-to-equity (P/E) ratios compared to laggards in both 2018 and 2022 . Although both groups experienced a decrease in P/E ratios during this period, digital leaders maintained a clear advantage, indicating stronger market valuation and growth expectations.

These findings highlight the importance of digital transformation in driving shareholder value and maintaining a competitive edge in the market.

Profitability Metrics

Digital leaders not only excel in shareholder returns but also demonstrate superior profitability metrics compared to their less digitally mature counterparts.

  • Return on Tangible Equity (ROTE): The McKinsey study revealed a marked difference in ROTE growth between digital leaders and laggards. Digital leaders saw their ROTE increase from 15.5% in 2018 to 19.3% in 2022, representing a significant improvement of 3.8 percentage points. In contrast, laggards experienced a more modest growth, with their ROTE rising from 13.6% to 15.3% during the same period .

This substantial gap in ROTE growth highlights the ability of digital leaders to generate higher returns on their investments and more effectively utilize their tangible assets.

To illustrate the profitability advantage of digital leaders, consider the following comparison:


ROTE 2018;

Digital Leaders: 15.5%

Digital Laggards: 13.6%

ROTE 2022:

Digital Leaders: 19.3%

Digital Laggards: 15.3%

ROTE Growth:

Digital Leaders: 3.8 percentage points

Digital Laggards: 1.7 percentage points

The table clearly shows the superior profitability growth achieved by digital leaders, emphasizing the financial benefits of successful digital transformation initiatives.

Growth and Efficiency Gains

Digital leaders not only outperform in terms of shareholder returns and profitability but also demonstrate superior growth and efficiency metrics. These gains are evident across various aspects of their operations, including customer base expansion, revenue growth, and cost management.

The financial outperformance of digital leaders extends beyond immediate gains, setting the stage for sustained competitive advantage. By allocating resources strategically towards digital transformation efforts, these organizations position themselves for long-term success. For instance, digital winners typically dedicate 9% of their capital expenditures to digital transformation initiatives, while others allocate only half that amount 6. This increased investment allows digital leaders to develop better analytics tools and greater automation, further enhancing their competitive edge.

Moreover, the rapid pace of digital initiatives creates a virtuous cycle of learning and improvement. As digital leaders launch initiatives at a greater rate than their peers, they gain more opportunities to collect and analyze data, leading to faster learning about market evolution, consumer attitudes, and behaviors 6. This accelerated learning, in turn, enables them to make better and faster acquisition and capital expenditure decisions, fueling new initiatives and further learning.

In conclusion, the financial outperformance of digital leaders across various metrics – from shareholder returns and profitability to growth and efficiency gains – clearly demonstrates the transformative power of digital transformation. Organizations that embrace digital technologies and strategies not only achieve better financial results but also position themselves for sustained success in an increasingly digital-first business landscape.

Where Digital Leaders Create Lasting Value

Digital leaders are setting themselves apart from their competitors by leveraging technology to drive innovation, enhance customer experiences, and boost financial performance. This section explores the key areas where digital leaders are creating lasting value and outperforming their peers.

End-to-End Process Transformation

Digital leaders excel in transforming end-to-end processes, going beyond surface-level changes to revolutionize their operations. They orchestrate hundreds of teams capable of developing digital and AI innovations across all customer journeys and core business processes 1.

Key aspects of end-to-end process transformation include:

  • Deploying personalization analytics and digital marketing campaigns
  • Creating omnichannel experiences with integrated tools and data
  • Driving customer self-servicing through well-designed digital workflows

By focusing on end-to-end process transformation, digital leaders have achieved significant results. For example, one bank shortened its approval process from 28 to 7 days, becoming a leading secured lending originator and increasing originations by 35% while reducing origination costs by 20% 1.


Digital leaders are embracing hyperautomation to streamline processes, enhance operational efficiency, and drive innovation. Hyperautomation leverages advanced technologies such as AI, machine learning, and robotic process automation (RPA) to automate complex and mundane tasks 9.

Benefits of hyperautomation for digital leaders include:

  • Increased operational efficiency through streamlined workflows
  • Enhanced decision-making capabilities through AI and ML algorithms
  • Reduced human error in repetitive tasks
  • Improved customer experiences through faster, more accurate processes

For example, a global automaker and e-mobility solutions provider achieved nearly 100% accuracy in predicting charger and battery failures using an innovative combination of automotive engineering and data science. This approach saves time, reduces costs, and ensures customer satisfaction by preventing breakdowns on the road 10.

Use of Emerging Technologies

Digital leaders understand that success with emerging technologies depends on a thorough understanding of how these trends rely on IT fundamentals while driving future transformation 11. They approach emerging technologies not as self-contained applications but as components for building new solutions.

  • Key strategies for leveraging emerging technologies include:
  • Evaluating new technologies collaboratively across the organization
  • Establishing priorities and understanding tradeoffs between cutting-edge technology, cost, and business resiliency
  • Utilizing IT expertise to provide guidance on system construction and cybersecurity issues
  • Working with business units to simultaneously build solutions and workflows that leverage new technologies

Digital leaders recognize that emerging technologies add many new options to the IT pro's toolbox, leading to an infinite array of possible solutions. They focus on crafting these pieces together to create tailored solutions that meet specific needs 11.

Top-Notch Customer Experience

Digital leaders prioritize delivering exceptional customer experiences, recognizing it as a key differentiator in today's competitive landscape. In fact, 75% of executives agree that top-notch customer experience is vital for their company's survival in today's business environment 12.

Digital leaders create lasting value through customer experience by:

  • Aligning the entire organization around customer-centric values and strategies
  • Fostering stronger emotional connections with customers
  • Driving financial success through superior customer experiences
  • Empowering and engaging employees to deliver outstanding service
  • Fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation

Research indicates that 58% of consumers are willing to pay more for a better experience, highlighting the critical role of customer experience in driving revenue and loyalty 12.

By excelling in these key areas, digital leaders are creating lasting value and outperforming their peers. They are leveraging mobile apps, digital sales capabilities, end-to-end process transformation, hyperautomation, emerging technologies, and top-notch customer experiences to drive innovation, enhance operational efficiency, and deliver superior financial results. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, organizations that prioritize these areas will be well-positioned to thrive in the increasingly competitive business environment.

The Six Pillars of Digital Transformation Success

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, organizations must embrace a holistic approach to digital transformation to stay competitive and drive innovation. This section explores the six essential pillars that form the foundation of successful digital transformation initiatives.

Strategic Roadmapping

A well-defined digital transformation roadmap is crucial for bridging the gap between long-term digital aspirations and concrete steps needed to achieve them. This pillar focuses on creating a detailed, tactical plan that visualizes the journey and breaks down complex strategies into actionable tasks and timelines 13.

Key aspects of strategic roadmapping include:

  • Democratizing the process by giving everyone a sense of ownership
  • Keeping teams aligned and focused on priorities
  • Translating strategy into daily actions that drive digital transformation goals

To ensure success, organizations should:

  1. Regularly track progress against established goals
  2. Establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and monitor them closely
  3. Anticipate and plan for potential risks, both internal and external
  4. Use the right tools to streamline collaboration and execution of digital initiatives

Talent Acquisition and Retention

In the digital age, attracting and retaining top talent is crucial for driving innovation and maintaining a competitive edge. This pillar focuses on adapting talent acquisition strategies to meet the evolving demands of the digital workplace 14.

Key strategies for talent acquisition and retention include:

  • Embracing technology in recruitment, leveraging AI, machine learning, and data analytics
  • Prioritizing the candidate experience to influence job offer acceptance and employer brand perception
  • Leveraging social media and employer branding to showcase company culture and values
  • Fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) to drive innovation and problem-solving capabilities
  • Adapting to the gig economy by tapping into freelance and contract talent pools
  • Building talent communities to engage potential candidates before job openings arise
  • Focusing on skills and potential rather than traditional credentials
  • Preparing for the impact of AI and automation on the workforce

Agile Operating Models

To thrive in the digital era, organizations must adopt agile operating models that enable rapid response to market and technology changes. This pillar emphasizes the importance of aligning IT functions with business goals to drive digital innovation 15.

Key aspects of agile operating models include:

  • Fostering cross-departmental collaboration to drive innovation
  • Adopting emerging technologies to enhance operational efficiency
  • Continuously evolving the IT operating model to sustain long-term digital success

Organizations should focus on:

  1. Evaluating current models and identifying areas for innovation
  2. Implementing agile methodologies to support digital initiatives
  3. Enhancing collaboration across departments
  4. Leveraging new technologies to streamline operations and deliver value faster

Technology Modernization

Modernizing technology infrastructure is essential for organizations to capitalize on new opportunities and support emerging technologies. This pillar focuses on the strategic integration of cutting-edge technology into a company's systems, processes, and infrastructures 16.

Key aspects of technology modernization include:

  • Enhancing efficiency, agility, customer experiences, and competitiveness
  • Focusing on modernizing existing systems rather than completely overhauling them
  • Accommodating new use cases, such as storing and accessing insights from unstructured data
  • Preparing infrastructure for the widespread use of AI and other emerging technologies

To accelerate modernization success, organizations should:

  1. Focus on modernization efforts that drive business value
  2. Take an agile approach by breaking down big projects into smaller deliverables
  3. Upskill existing workers and identify employees who can quickly adapt to new technologies
  4. Leverage generative AI to speed up the modernization process, particularly for legacy code documentation

Data Architecture

A robust data architecture is crucial for organizations to effectively collect, manage, process, and analyze data to derive insights. This pillar focuses on providing a scalable foundation for leveraging data assets effectively 17.

Key components of a modern data architecture include:

  • Data storage for reliably managing vast amounts of data from different sources
  • Data ingestion for collecting and importing data from various sources
  • Data processing for transforming and preparing raw data for analysis
  • Analytics layer for extracting insights, patterns, and predictions

To build a successful data architecture, organizations should:

  1. Prioritize data accuracy and quality by implementing clear standards and governance frameworks
  2. Align analytics to business goals by focusing on KPIs that stakeholders use to measure success
  3. Simplify data access and monitoring tasks to ease the burden on administrators
  4. Ensure scalability and flexibility, potentially through cloud-based solutions
  5. Build a foundation of data-literate employees across the business

Organizational Change Management

Effective change management is critical for guiding organizations through major internal changes designed to better the business. This pillar focuses on handling the introduction of new technologies, opportunities, and shifts in consumer interactions 18.

Key aspects of organizational change management include:

  • Creating a comprehensive change management strategy to set expectations and create implementation plans
  • Improving the bottom line, creating competitive advantages, and energizing employees
  • Ensuring leadership takes an active role in change management
  • Communicating openly and candidly about changes to address employee anxiety

To successfully manage organizational change, organizations should:

  1. Start change initiatives from the C-suite to reflect committed and unified leadership
  2. Conduct comprehensive audits before implementing solutions to avoid unnecessary costs and unrealistic expectations
  3. Encourage open communication channels between leadership and employees
  4. Treat change as an ongoing process rather than a one-off project
  5. Anticipate change and be ready for it when it occurs

By focusing on these six pillars of digital transformation success, organizations can create a solid foundation for driving innovation, enhancing customer experiences, and maintaining a competitive edge in the digital age. Each pillar plays a crucial role in shaping the overall digital transformation journey, ensuring that organizations are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape.

The Imperative of Digital Transformation

The digital transformation journey presents both challenges and opportunities for businesses across industries. As we've explored, organizations that successfully leverage digital technologies and strategies consistently outperform their peers in various financial metrics and operational efficiencies. The gap between digital leaders and laggards highlights the critical importance of embracing change and investing in comprehensive digital transformation initiatives. This means companies need to focus on key areas like mobile app adoption, digital sales capabilities, and end-to-end process transformation to create lasting value.

To thrive in the digital age, businesses must build a solid foundation based on the six pillars of digital transformation success: strategic roadmapping, talent acquisition and retention, agile operating models, technology modernization, data architecture, and organizational change management. By focusing on these areas, companies can drive innovation, enhance customer experiences, and maintain a competitive edge in an increasingly digital-first world. To assess your AI and Digital Transformation needs and opportunities, join us for our free workshop. Remember, the journey to digital excellence is ongoing, and staying ahead requires continuous adaptation and a commitment to embracing new technologies and strategies.


What is digital transformation and why is it important for businesses?

Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how it operates and delivers value to customers. It's not just about implementing new technologies, but also about fostering a culture of innovation and continuous adaptation. Digital transformation is crucial for businesses in today's rapidly evolving digital landscape because it enables them to stay competitive, improve operational efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and drive innovation.

The importance of digital transformation is underscored by the fact that companies that successfully transform digitally are more likely to outperform their peers. They can respond more quickly to market changes, leverage data for better decision-making, and create new revenue streams through digital channels. Moreover, as customer expectations continue to evolve in the digital age, businesses that fail to transform risk becoming obsolete or losing market share to more agile competitors.

What are the key components of a successful digital transformation strategy?

A successful digital transformation strategy encompasses several key components. First, it requires a clear vision and strategy aligned with overall business objectives. This involves setting specific, measurable goals for the transformation and creating a roadmap to achieve them. Leadership and culture play a crucial role, as transformation efforts need strong support from top management and a company-wide culture that embraces change and innovation.

Customer experience is another critical component, as many digital initiatives aim to improve how businesses interact with and serve their customers. Technology and data form the backbone of digital transformation, involving the selection and implementation of appropriate digital tools and the effective use of data analytics. Operational efficiency is also key, often achieved through process automation and optimization. Finally, talent and skills development is essential, as digital transformation requires a workforce capable of adapting to and leveraging new technologies and ways of working.

How can businesses overcome common challenges in digital transformation?

Businesses face several challenges in their digital transformation journey, but there are strategies to overcome them. One common challenge is resistance to change within the organization. To address this, companies should focus on change management, involving employees at all levels in the transformation process and clearly communicating the benefits and necessity of change. Another challenge is the lack of digital skills and talent. This can be mitigated by investing in training and development programs for existing employees and strategically hiring new talent with digital expertise.

Legacy systems and technical debt often pose significant hurdles. To overcome this, businesses should consider a phased approach to modernization, gradually replacing or updating old systems while ensuring minimal disruption to ongoing operations. Insufficient budget or resources can be addressed by prioritizing initiatives that offer the highest return on investment and exploring partnerships or outsourcing options. Lastly, data security and privacy concerns can be managed by implementing robust cybersecurity measures and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations. By proactively addressing these challenges, businesses can increase their chances of successful digital transformation.

How can businesses measure the success of their digital transformation efforts?

Measuring the success of digital transformation efforts is crucial for understanding the impact of initiatives and guiding future strategies. Businesses can use a combination of quantitative and qualitative metrics to assess their progress. Key performance indicators (KPIs) may include improved operational efficiency (e.g., reduced costs, faster processing times), enhanced customer satisfaction and engagement (measured through surveys, Net Promoter Scores, or customer retention rates), increased revenue or market share attributable to digital initiatives, and faster time-to-market for new products or services.

Other important metrics include improved employee productivity and satisfaction, which can be measured through surveys and productivity tools. The ability to make better, data-driven decisions can be assessed by tracking the usage of analytics tools and the impact of data-driven initiatives. Additionally, businesses should monitor their digital maturity over time, evaluating their progress in areas such as digital strategy, digital operations, and digital culture. It's important to note that the specific metrics used should align with the organization's unique digital transformation goals and overall business objectives. Regular assessment and adjustment of these metrics ensure that the transformation efforts remain on track and continue to deliver value.

What role do emerging technologies play in digital transformation?

Emerging technologies play a pivotal role in driving and shaping digital transformation efforts. Technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, and cloud computing are at the forefront of enabling new capabilities and business models. For instance, AI and machine learning are revolutionizing data analysis, customer service through chatbots, and process automation. IoT is transforming how businesses collect and utilize data from physical assets, enabling predictive maintenance and more efficient operations.

Cloud computing provides the scalable infrastructure necessary for many digital initiatives, allowing businesses to be more agile and reduce IT costs. Blockchain technology is disrupting industries by providing secure, transparent ways of conducting transactions and managing supply chains. Virtual and augmented reality are creating new ways for businesses to engage with customers and train employees. As these technologies continue to evolve, they open up new possibilities for innovation and efficiency in business processes. However, it's crucial for businesses to carefully evaluate which emerging technologies align with their strategic goals and can provide tangible benefits, rather than adopting technology for its own sake.


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