Tech Dictionary

Cloud Computing

The delivery of computing services (servers, storage, databases, networking, software, etc.) over the internet ("the cloud").


Cloud computing is like renting a storage unit—you don’t need to buy a new garage, you just rent the space you need when you need it.


Using Amazon Web Services (AWS) to host applications, or Google Drive for file storage.

Why It Matters

Cloud computing allows businesses to scale resources on demand, reduce costs, and focus on core business activities rather than managing IT infrastructure.

Business Impact

Cloud computing can significantly reduce IT costs, improve scalability, enhance collaboration, and provide access to advanced technologies like AI and big data analytics.

When It's Useful
  • Use Case 1: When scaling up quickly to handle increased user demand without investing in physical servers.
  • Use Case 2: For businesses that need to access their systems and data from anywhere, enabling remote work and global collaboration.
  • Use Case 3: When using advanced computing services like machine learning, which require significant processing power.
Best Practices

Choose the right cloud service model (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) based on your needs; prioritize security and compliance; monitor usage to manage costs.

Common Pitfalls

Underestimating security requirements; overspending on cloud services; failing to optimize for cloud-native architectures.

Key Metrics

Cost per user, uptime/downtime, response time, resource utilization.

Tools and Technologies

AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform.

Term's Application and Relevance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What’s the difference between public, private, and hybrid cloud?
A public cloud is shared infrastructure offered by third parties (like AWS), a private cloud is dedicated to a single organization, and a hybrid cloud combines both.
How secure is cloud computing?
Cloud providers offer robust security measures, but organizations must also implement their own security practices, such as encryption and access controls.
What is the difference between public, private, and hybrid cloud?
Public cloud services are shared resources offered by third-party providers. Private clouds are dedicated to a single organization, while hybrid clouds combine both public and private cloud infrastructures.
How does cloud computing enhance scalability for businesses?
Cloud computing allows businesses to easily scale resources up or down based on demand, without the need for significant upfront investments in hardware. This flexibility enables companies to adapt quickly to changing needs and market conditions.
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