Custom software development

The CTO's Handbook: Using Co-Development Software Wisely

Daniel Soto Rey
Tres Astronautas
All industries
June 25, 2024
10 min
Key Insights:
  • Co-development software enhances collaborative coding and simplifies the software development outsourcing process, making it a beneficial tool for CTOs.
  • It's crucial to identify when an external development team is needed - such as during periods of rapid growth, high demand, or when specialized skill sets are required.
  • Finding the right development partner involves assessing their technical expertise, cultural compatibility, and readiness for the partnership through thorough interviewing and selection processes.
  • Maximizing collaboration with external teams involves effective onboarding, setting up efficient communication channels, and integrating workflows to create a unified team dynamic

Co-development software is revolutionizing the business landscape. It's a game-changer that's enhancing collaborative coding and simplifying the intricate process of software development outsourcing. For Chief Technology Officers (CTOs), it's pivotal to embrace this change. It paves the way for innovation, expedites project timelines, and boosts product quality. Skillfully leveraged, co-development software can convert challenges into opportunities, fostering unrivaled efficiency and collaboration.

In this guide, we'll walk you through the smart use of co-development software. We start by identifying when to bring in an external development team. We highlight circumstances where specialized skills or extra resources are required. Next, we outline the process of finding an ideal development partner, assuring a harmonious blend of vision, technology, and work culture.

We further delve into best practices for integrating external teams, techniques to amplify collaboration among diverse groups, and effective supervision and governance to meet the highest quality and innovation standards. Come, join us on this journey to successful collaborative coding, where co-development software becomes a formidable tool in achieving your organization's goals.

Assessing When an External Development Team is Needed

In our journey to maximize efficiency and innovation, we often encounter situations where the demand on our internal development teams surpasses their capacity. This can manifest during various phases of company growth, especially when expanding rapidly, introducing new product lines, or facing increased customer demands. These are clear indicators that external development teams might be necessary.

Backlog Overload

As companies scale, the demand for new features and improvements often outstrips the capacity of internal development teams. This surge can lead to prioritization challenges, as teams struggle to balance the development of core features with secondary but necessary tasks. This dilemma can put teams in a difficult position, as stakeholders may perceive a slow-down in core development as a lack of progress or efficiency. This is a situation where external development teams can be beneficial. By taking on the development of secondary features or handling routine maintenance tasks, external teams allow the internal teams to stay focused on the core features. This ensures that the development process remains efficient and the trust of stakeholders is maintained.

Your In-House Team is Burned Out

Missed deadlines, quality issues, and signs of employee burnout should serve as immediate red flags. These symptoms suggest that our internal resources are stretched too thin, potentially jeopardizing project outcomes and team well-being.

Before we continue, it's important to understand if your team might be experiencing burnout. Here's a simple questionnaire to help identify signs of burnout in your team:

  • Do you often feel tired or drained after work?
  1. Do you feel cynical or disengaged from work-related tasks?
  2. Have you noticed a decrease in productivity or effectiveness at work?
  3. Do you feel like your work-related accomplishments don't matter or aren't recognized?
  4. Do you feel disillusioned about your job?
  5. Have you been experiencing physical symptoms like headaches or sleep disturbances?
  6. Are you finding it hard to concentrate or focus on tasks at work?
  7. Do you feel like your work life is interfering with your personal life or relationships?

For each question, assign a score based on how frequently you experience the described situation:

  • If you never experience it, give the question a score of 0.
  • If you rarely experience it, give the question a score of 1.
  • If you sometimes experience it, give the question a score of 2.
  • If you often experience it, give the question a score of 3.
  • If you always experience it, give the question a score of 4.

Burnout Levels:

  • 0 - 8: Low Risk of Burnout
  • 9 - 16: Moderate Risk of Burnout
  • 17 - 24: High Risk of Burnout
  • 25 - 32: Severe Risk of Burnout

If most of your answers are 'yes', it might be time to address burnout in your team.

Skill Gaps

Certain projects require specialized skills and knowledge that your current team may not have. For instance, imagine a situation where your team specializes in Angular for front-end web development, but a new project requires Dart, a language and framework your team is unfamiliar with. In such cases, your team faces a steep learning curve that includes understanding the new language, setting up the environment, and adapting to new coding practices. This process can be time-consuming, costly, and detract from your team's primary responsibilities.

In these scenarios, bringing in an external development team with expertise in Dart can be a more efficient solution. The external team can hit the ground running, given their familiarity with Dart, thereby saving time and resources. They can also provide mentoring to your internal team, helping them gain a basic understanding of Dart without the pressure of delivering a project single-handedly.

Additionally, external teams can assist in building capabilities, such as setting up the Dart environment and integrating it with your current systems. They can also help in maintaining the codebase after development, providing bug fixes and updates as needed.

If you wish to develop these new capabilities in the future, you can find a middle ground. This involves hiring an external team and gradually acquiring these capabilities. Here's how:

  • An external team can also provide valuable knowledge transfer through training sessions. This paves the way for your internal team to acquire new skills and understand the intricacies of the product, fostering in-house expertise.
  • In some cases, the transfer of the entire external team to your company can be negotiated. This scenario allows you to integrate a fully functioning, experienced team into your company structure, minimizing onboarding time and ensuring product knowledge stays within your organization.
  • We, at Tres Astronautas, offer these services. We provide specialized teams to build your product efficiently. Our teams are also adept at transferring knowledge through comprehensive training sessions, ensuring that your team fully understands the product. If necessary, we also offer the possibility of transferring our entire team to your company, ensuring an efficient transition and keeping product knowledge within your organization.

Advantages of External Teams

Leveraging external teams offers access to a broader talent pool and specialized skills, which can enhance our capabilities and introduce proven methodologies to our projects. This flexibility allows us to scale resources up or down based on project demands.

Budget Constraints

Budget constraints can often be a significant factor when considering the engagement of external development teams. For instance, if the team is not large enough to warrant having full-time specialized roles like system architects or DevOps engineers, hiring external teams can provide these skills on an as-needed basis. This approach allows you to benefit from the specialized expertise while maintaining a lean internal team and controlling overhead costs.

Nearshore development can also be a cost-effective solution. Nearshoring involves hiring an external team located in a nearby country, typically with a similar time zone. This arrangement enables real-time communication and collaboration, while often being more cost-effective than hiring local talent, especially in countries where the cost of living is high.

Another scenario could be when you need to scale up your team quickly to meet a tight deadline or take on a large project. Hiring and onboarding new employees can be a lengthy and costly process. By engaging an external team, you can scale up rapidly and start on the project immediately, saving both time and money.

By considering these factors and finding the right balance, you can make the most of external development teams, even when under budget constraints.

Risks and Considerations

While the benefits are substantial, we must also consider potential challenges such as communication barriers, cultural differences, and concerns around security or intellectual property. Effective management and clear agreements are essential to mitigate these risks and maximize the advantages of using external development teams, here are some tips:

  • Security Risks: These can compromise the integrity of your project. To mitigate these, ensure that the external team follows the latest security best practices, and conducts regular security audits and updates.
  • Quality Assurance: The quality of work can be a concern when working with external teams. To ensure high-quality work, establish clear expectations for quality standards, set up a robust review process, and encourage regular feedback sessions.
  • Coding Standards: Inconsistent or poor coding standards can lead to inefficient code and technical debt. To mitigate this, establish clear coding guidelines that the external team should follow. Regular code reviews can also help maintain high standards.
  • Communication Barriers: Miscommunications can lead to project delays and misunderstandings. To prevent this, set up clear communication channels and regular check-ins. Make sure that all project requirements and changes are clearly documented.
  • Project Management: Without effective project management, the project can become disorganized. To prevent this, use reliable project management tools and practices. Assign a dedicated project manager to oversee the project and ensure everything is going as planned.
  • Intellectual Property Rights: Issues can arise about the ownership of the code and ideas developed during the project. To prevent this, have clear contracts that outline the ownership of intellectual property.

By carefully assessing these elements, we can make informed decisions about when to integrate external teams to complement our internal capabilities, ensuring we continue to innovate and lead in the market.

Steps to Finding the Perfect Development Partner

Technical Expertise

The technical capabilities of your potential partner are paramount. Assess their expertise by reviewing past projects, case studies, and client testimonials. It's important to ensure that they have the necessary skills and experience to handle the complexities of your project. Consider their proficiency in specific technologies and their ability to innovate and adapt to new challenges.

When assessing past projects, consider the following tips:

  • Look at the complexity and scale of the projects they've handled in the past.
  • Evaluate the quality of their work. Is it up to your standards?
  • Consider the relevance of their past projects to your current needs.
  • Check if they delivered the projects on time and within budget.
  • See if they have experience working with similar technologies or industries.

Cultural Fit

A successful partnership extends beyond technical alignment; cultural compatibility is equally important. Evaluate whether potential partners share your organization's values, work ethics, and business practices. This alignment affects communication, conflict resolution, and overall collaboration efficiency. Engage in interactive sessions, such as workshops, to better understand their operational style and to gauge how well your teams could work together.

  • When assessing cultural fit, consider the following:Evaluate whether potential partners share your organization's values and work ethics. To do this, you can:
    • Research the partner company's history and reputation: Look at their past projects and relationships with other companies. See if there are any red flags or complaints about their work ethics or adherence to values.
    • Conduct interviews with the potential partner: Ask them about their company values and work ethics. Discuss hypothetical situations to understand how they would act in certain scenarios that test their values and ethics.
      • An example of a hypothetical situation might be:  "Imagine your team encountered a serious problem with the project close to the delivery deadline, a problem that was overlooked during the planning phase. Would your team choose to communicate this issue to us immediately and work overtime to resolve it, or would they try to find a workaround and deliver the project on time, risking potential issues in the future?"
    • Request for references: Contact their past or current clients to get a sense of their ethics and values in a professional setting.
    • Watch their behavior during negotiations: You can learn a lot about a company's values and work ethics by observing how they conduct business negotiations. Are they fair and respectful, or are they aggressive and demanding?
    • Visit their office or work site: If possible, visiting a potential partner's office or work site can give you a glimpse into their work environment and how they treat their employees.
  • Consider how potential partners handle conflict resolution. To evaluate how potential partners handle conflict resolution, you can:
    • Ask them to provide examples from past projects where they had to handle conflicts. Pay attention to their approach, the steps they took to resolve the issue, and the final outcome.
    • Discuss hypothetical situations that could lead to conflict during your project. Take note of their proposed solutions and whether they align with your company's values and expectations.
    • Gauge the potential partner's adaptability to your organization's business practices.

Interviewing and Selecting

Prepare a set of questions to assess the suitability and readiness of potential partners for the partnership. These questions should aim to build trust and rapport, and explore their approach to partnerships, conflict resolution, and collaboration. Conduct thorough interviews to discuss these aspects in-depth, which will help you make an informed decision on selecting the right partner who aligns with your strategic goals and company culture.

As you embark on your journey to finding the perfect development partner, it's important to ask the right questions. Here are 10 examples of questions that could help you make an informed decision:

  1. Can you describe your experience with similar projects?
  2. What is your approach to project management?
  3. How do you handle unexpected challenges or changes in a project?
  4. How do you ensure the quality of your code?
  5. Can you provide examples of how you've collaborated with other teams?
  6. How do you handle communication within a project?
  7. Can you provide references from past clients?
  8. What technologies are you most proficient in?
  9. How do you approach deadline management?
  10. Can you describe your process for feedback and revisions?

Best Practices for Onboarding External Teams

To ensure a seamless integration of external teams into our projects, we've established a structured onboarding process that encompasses several key practices. These practices not only streamline the transition but also foster a collaborative environment conducive to success.

  • Creating Onboarding Guides: Our onboarding guides are meticulously crafted to provide external teams with a comprehensive understanding of the project's scope and our organizational expectations. These documents detail the engagement scope, outline the team processes, and provide insights into our codebase and coding standards. By providing a clear high-level summary and additional context, these guides serve as an invaluable resource for new team members, ensuring they are well-prepared and aligned with our project goals from day one.
  • Assigning Points of Contact: To facilitate smooth communication and effective problem-solving, we assign specific points of contact within our organization. These contacts, such as the Development Lead and Product Owner, are clearly listed in our onboarding materials. Their roles are defined to ensure that external team members know exactly who to reach out to for various issues, thereby streamlining communication and enhancing project coordination.
  • Initial Training and Orientation: The initial training sessions are crucial for equipping the external team with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively contribute to the project. We conduct comprehensive training that covers all technical requirements. This training includes hands-on sessions to ensure practical understanding and immediate application of the skills learned. Furthermore, we foster a supportive environment through continuous learning opportunities and resources, enabling team members to adapt and excel in their roles.

By implementing these best practices, we not only optimize the onboarding process but also enhance the productivity and integration of external teams into our projects, setting the stage for successful collaboration and innovation.

Strategies for Maximizing Collaboration

Setting up Communication Channels

To ensure seamless integration and cooperation between internal and external teams, establishing robust communication channels is critical. We utilize platforms like Google Chat for real-time communication and document sharing, which are vital for maintaining alignment on project goals, timelines, and expectations. Regular check-ins and status updates are scheduled to keep all stakeholders informed and accountable, thus maintaining momentum and productivity.

Sprints, typically lasting two weeks, are a key component of Agile project management. During this time, several meetings and ceremonies are held to ensure alignment, collaboration, and productivity. Here is a list of these ceremonies:

  • Sprint Planning: At the beginning of each sprint, the team gathers to plan the work to be done during the sprint. This involves discussing project goals, user stories, and assigning tasks.
  • Daily Stand-Up: Also known as a daily scrum, this is a short meeting held each day where team members update each other on their progress and any issues they may be facing. This helps to identify blockers early and keep the team aligned.
  • Backlog Refinement: This is a meeting where the team reviews and revises the product backlog. The aim is to ensure that the backlog contains the appropriate items, that they are prioritized, and that the items at the top of the backlog are ready for delivery.
  • Sprint Review: At the end of the sprint, the team reviews the work that was completed and the work that was not completed. This is a time to showcase the product increment produced during the sprint and gather feedback.
  • Sprint Retrospective: This is a meeting held at the end of the sprint where the team discusses what went well and what improvements can be made for the next sprint. The goal is to continuously improve the team's processes.

By holding these ceremonies, the team can ensure a smooth and efficient sprint, effectively manage the project, and continuously improve their process.

Integrating Workflows

To maximize collaboration, it is crucial that workflows are integrated effectively. This includes making sure that external contractors are added to the same digital workspaces as internal teams to prevent any division that might hinder collaboration. For example, in our use of Google Chat, we avoid creating separate channels for internal and external teams; instead, we ensure everyone shares the same space to facilitate seamless interaction and workflow integration. This approach not only enhances efficiency but also fosters a unified team dynamic, crucial for the success of our projects.

Effective Oversight and Governance of External Teams

Establishing Governance Structures

To ensure effective oversight and governance of external teams, we must establish robust governance structures. This involves defining clear roles and responsibilities for both the board and management. A well-defined governance operating model enhances our ability to implement governance processes effectively. By organizing these mechanisms across the organization's business lines and jurisdictions, we ensure that governance is conducted coherently and efficiently.

To ensure the successful execution and management of projects, it is essential to have dedicated Project Managers (PMs) within both the partner organization and the CTO's organization. These PMs play a crucial role in maintaining connectivity between all stakeholders and effectively leading the project. Their responsibilities include:

  • Communication Bridge: The PMs act as a bridge between the two organizations, facilitating smooth and efficient communication. They ensure all relevant information is shared appropriately and timely decisions are made.
  • Stakeholder Management: They connect all key stakeholders, ensuring everyone is aligned with the project's goals and objectives. They manage expectations and address any concerns that may arise during the project's lifecycle.
  • Project Leadership: The PMs lead the project, making critical decisions and driving the project forward. They ensure the project stays on track and meets its predefined objectives.
  • Risk Management: The PMs identify potential risks and implement strategies to mitigate them. They are proactive in addressing any issues that could impact the project's success.
  • Quality Assurance: They ensure that all project deliverables meet the highest quality standards. The PMs oversee the development process, conduct regular reviews, and implement necessary changes to ensure quality.

By having dedicated PMs in both organizations, we can ensure efficient project management, effective communication, and successful project outcomes.

Performance Metrics

Performance metrics are pivotal in aligning individual and team efforts with organizational objectives. Establishing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) tailored to individual goals ensures that each team member’s contributions are aligned with broader company targets. These quantifiable metrics allow us to measure performance against predetermined benchmarks, providing a clear framework for assessing both team and individual performance. Regular performance evaluations using these metrics highlight skill gaps, enabling targeted training initiatives to foster continuous employee growth and maintain high standards of quality and effectiveness.

To ensure that the measurement of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) does not become a burden and slow down work, it is crucial to automate the process. Automation of KPI measurement allows for real-time tracking and reporting, reducing manual effort and increasing accuracy. This ensures that teams can focus on their core work, while still having access to critical performance data.

Several tools and methods can help automate the measurement of KPIs. For example, tracking software can automatically gather data on various performance indicators and generate reports. This not only saves time and resources but also provides a more accurate and objective assessment of performance.

Performance Metrics from the Accelerate Book

The book "Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps" by Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, and Gene Kim presents several valuable KPIs for assessing software delivery performance. Some of these KPIs include:

  • Deployment Frequency: How often an organization successfully releases to production.
  • Lead Time for Changes: The amount of time it takes from when a change is coded until it is deployed to production.
  • Time to Restore Service: How long it takes for an organization to recover from a failure in production.
  • Change Failure Rate: The percentage of changes that result in a failure in production.

These KPIs provide a comprehensive picture of performance across different stages of the software delivery lifecycle, from development to deployment and operations.

Performance Metrics from Tools like Sonar

Tools like SonarQube also provide useful KPIs for tracking code quality, which is a crucial aspect of software development performance. Some of these KPIs include:

  • Code Coverage: The percentage of code that is covered by unit tests.
  • Technical Debt: The estimated amount of time it would take to fix all the code smells in a codebase.
  • Duplicated Lines of Code: The percentage of duplicated lines in the codebase.
  • Cyclomatic Complexity: The number of linearly independent paths through a program's source code, which can indicate the complexity of the code.

These KPIs can help teams identify potential issues in the codebase that could affect the quality and maintainability of the software.

By automating the measurement of these KPIs and regularly reviewing them, teams can continually improve their performance and deliver high-quality software more efficiently.

Mitigating Potential Risks

Mitigating risks in software development projects involves a comprehensive approach, addressing technical, managerial, and external risks. Regular updates and meetings ensure all team members are aligned with project objectives, while adaptability allows us to manage new risks as they arise. A well-implemented risk mitigation plan, supported by ongoing quality assurance and training programs, is crucial. This strategy not only aids in preventing project failures but also ensures the successful and timely completion of projects by proactively tackling potential challenges. To manage and mitigate risks effectively, follow the steps below:

  1. Risk Identification: Identify potential risks that could affect your project. This could be anything from technical challenges, to personnel issues, to external factors. Consider all aspects of the project - from resources to timelines to stakeholder expectations.
  2. Risk Analysis: Analyze each risk based on its potential impact and the likelihood of its occurrence. This will help you prioritize which risks need immediate attention and which can be monitored for future changes.
  3. Plan Risk Responses: Develop a response plan for each risk. This could include preventative measures to avoid the risk, mitigation strategies to reduce the impact, or contingency plans if the risk does occur.
  4. Implement Risk Responses: Put your risk response plans into action. This could involve changing project processes, providing additional training, or allocating additional resources.
  5. Monitor and Review: Regularly review the situation to track the effectiveness of your risk response plans and make any necessary adjustments.

It's important to note that risk mitigation isn't a one-time activity. It should be an ongoing effort throughout the project lifecycle, with regular reviews and updates as the project progresses and new risks potentially emerge.

Partner Assessment Template and Guide

To streamline the process of evaluating potential development partners, we recommend using an assessment template. This template will provide a structured format to score and compare each candidate based on key metrics.

Assessment Metrics

The following metrics should be included in the assessment:

  1. Technical Expertise: This metric assesses the potential partner's proficiency in the necessary technologies and their ability to handle the complexities of your project. Factors to consider include past projects, case studies, client testimonials, and specific technologies they are proficient in.
  2. Cultural Fit: This metric evaluates whether the potential partner aligns with your organization's values, work ethics, and business practices. Factors to consider include their company history, reputation, responses to hypothetical situations, and feedback from past or current clients.
  3. Conflict Resolution: This metric assesses how potential partners handle conflicts that may arise during the project. Factors to consider include their approach to conflict resolution, responses to hypothetical conflict situations, and examples from past projects.
  4. Communication: This metric evaluates the potential partner's communication skills and practices. Factors to consider include their proposed communication channels, frequency of updates, and responsiveness.
  5. Project Management: This metric assesses the potential partner's approach to project management. Factors to consider include their use of project management tools and practices, and their approach to deadline management.

Each potential partner should be scored on these metrics on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being poor and 5 being excellent.

Interpreting the Results

Once each potential partner has been scored on each metric, add up the scores to give a total out of 25. This will give a quantitative measure of each potential partner's suitability.

  • 20 - 25: Excellent fit. This potential partner is highly suitable and demonstrates excellent capabilities in all areas.
  • 15 - 19: Good fit. This potential partner is suitable, but there may be a few areas for improvement.
  • 10 - 14: Average fit. This potential partner is somewhat suitable, but there are several areas for improvement.
  • Below 10: Poor fit. This potential partner is likely not suitable.

Remember, this scoring system is just a guide. It's important to consider the specific needs and priorities of your project when evaluating potential partners. The highest scoring candidate may not always be the best fit for your project.


  1. What are the key criteria for selecting a development partner?
  2. The key criteria include technical expertise, cultural fit, conflict resolution skills, communication practices, and project management approach.
  3. How do you effectively onboard external teams?
  4. Effective onboarding involves creating comprehensive onboarding guides, assigning points of contact within the organization, and conducting initial training and orientation sessions.
  5. What are the best practices for maximizing collaboration with external teams?
  6. Best practices include setting up robust communication channels, integrating workflows, and holding regular check-ins and meetings.
  7. How do you ensure effective oversight and governance of external teams?
  8. This can be achieved by establishing governance structures, defining clear roles and responsibilities, implementing performance metrics, and mitigating potential risks.
  9. What should be included in a partner assessment template?
  10. An assessment template should include metrics for technical expertise, cultural fit, conflict resolution, communication, and project management.
  11. What is the purpose of performance metrics in software development?
  12. Performance metrics align individual and team efforts with organizational objectives. They measure performance against predetermined benchmarks and highlight skill gaps, enabling targeted training initiatives.

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