Digital Transformation

Top Reasons Why SMBs Should Say No to Bespoke Software

Alejandro Córdoba Borja
Tres Astronautas
All industries
July 8, 2024
10 min
Key Insights:
  • Off-the-shelf software is often more cost-effective and quicker to deploy than bespoke software, making it ideal for standard business processes.
  • Custom software offers significant benefits for businesses with unique operational needs and can provide a competitive edge but comes with higher initial costs and maintenance requirements.
  • Bespoke software is crucial for industries with specific compliance and security requirements that standard solutions cannot meet.
  • Alternatives to full custom development, such as customizing off-the-shelf solutions or using low-code/no-code platforms, can balance cost and customization for SMBs.

The allure of bespoke software can seem like the ultimate solution for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) aiming to carve a unique niche in the market. However, the charm of custom software customization comes with its set of challenges, especially for SMBs with limited resources. Bespoke software, designed exclusively to meet the specific needs of a business, often promises operational efficiency and alignment with business goals. Yet, is it always the right choice? As we navigate through the considerations of bespoke versus off-the-shelf software, it becomes crucial to understand the repercussions of opting for fully customized solutions without a clear return on investment.

In this article, we'll explore the reasons why SMBs should perhaps think twice before saying 'yes' to bespoke software. From the cost-effectiveness of off-the-shelf options to the operational efficiency offered by pre-built software, the journey of aligning software with your SMB's business processes and goals doesn't necessarily require a custom-built path. We'll delve into aspects such as quick implementation, scalability, standard compliance, security needs, and long-term maintenance support. Additionally, alternative solutions that balance software customization with cost and resource constraints will be discussed, offering a panoramic view of why embracing adaptable, off-the-shelf software might align more closely with the long-term vision and budgetary realities of SMBs.

Reason 1: Meeting Common Business Needs Efficiently

Off-the-shelf software, while quick to deploy and often less costly upfront, generally offers a broad range of features designed to meet the common needs of a wide audience. This can be advantageous for businesses with standard processes that do not require extensive customization 1. These solutions cater to general business requirements and are particularly beneficial for startups and small businesses that can utilize these common functionalities without the need for deep personalization 2.

Why Not to Build: Standardized processes that don’t need customization

For many SMBs, the operational demands do not justify the complexity and expense of bespoke software. Standard off-the-shelf solutions can efficiently support everyday activities such as accounting, customer relationship management, and human resources without the additional cost and time associated with custom software development 1. This approach not only simplifies IT requirements but also reduces the burden on resources, allowing these businesses to focus on other critical areas of growth and development 2.

When to Build: When your business processes are unique and can't be adequately addressed by off-the-shelf solutions

However, there are scenarios where the unique challenges and specific operational needs of a business cannot be effectively met by generic software. In cases where processes are core to a company's competitive advantage or crucial for operational efficiency, bespoke software becomes a strategic investment. Custom software development allows for precise alignment with business strategies, offering functionalities that are specifically designed to enhance these unique operational aspects, thereby providing a significant competitive edge 3 4.

Custom solutions facilitate the automation of specific business processes, tailored exactly to the needs of the organization, which off-the-shelf software often fails to achieve. This customization extends to integrating new capabilities and workflows, which can be crucial for businesses looking to innovate and improve their productivity and efficiency 5 6.

Reason 2: Cost-Effectiveness for Small Budgets

Why Not to Build: Lower upfront and ongoing costs with off-the-shelf solutions

Off-the-shelf software tends to be more affordable initially because the costs are distributed across many users, making it a budget-friendly option for businesses not looking to invest heavily in custom software 1. While initial costs are lower, long-term expenses can accumulate due to subscription fees, necessary upgrades, and additional licenses as the business grows 1. Moreover, these solutions can provide adequate flexibility for processes that are not a business priority, allowing the business to efficiently manage non-critical processes without a substantial investment in custom software development 7.

When to Build: When the long-term benefits and efficiencies of custom software outweigh the initial investment

While the initial investment in custom software development may seem daunting for small businesses, the long-term benefits far outweigh the costs. Custom software is designed to address specific business needs and challenges, eliminating the need for costly workarounds or inefficient processes 8. By automating manual tasks, reducing errors, and improving efficiency, custom software can generate significant cost savings for small businesses over time 8. Additionally, custom software offers a higher return on investment (ROI) compared to off-the-shelf solutions, as it is tailored to deliver maximum value and impact for the business 8.

Custom solutions facilitate the automation of specific business processes, tailored exactly to the needs of the organization, which off-the-shelf software often fails to achieve 3 6. This customization extends to integrating new capabilities and workflows, which can be crucial for businesses looking to innovate and improve their productivity and efficiency 5 6.

Reason 3: Quick Implementation and Scalability

Why Not to Build: Faster deployment to get up and running quickly

Off-the-shelf software is renowned for its rapid deployment capabilities. This type of software, often available online, includes popular solutions like HubSpot, Slack, or Notion, which are designed for immediate use once set up 9. The quick installation and deployment allow businesses, especially those with straightforward operational needs, to begin utilizing the software almost instantly 10 11. This is particularly beneficial for companies with limited IT budgets or those that require a general solution without lengthy customization processes 2.

When to Build: When your business requires specific functionalities that off-the-shelf solutions can't provide and can scale as you grow

On the other hand, bespoke software development is indispensable for businesses whose operations require tailored functionalities that off-the-shelf software cannot offer 10. Custom software not only meets unique business needs but also provides scalability, ensuring the software evolves alongside the business 12. This adaptability is crucial for companies aiming to maintain efficiency as they expand, avoiding the scalability constraints often associated with pre-packaged solutions 9. Custom software allows for modifications and enhancements to be made as needed, supporting a business's growth without the need for workarounds or additional investments in new software solutions 13.

Reason 4: Non-Core Business Processes

Why Not to Build: Processes that do not directly impact the core value proposition

In our operations, we often encounter non-core business processes such as accounting, customer service, and marketing. These are essential for smooth operations but do not directly contribute to our primary business focus 14. By outsourcing these auxiliary services, we can concentrate on enhancing our core competencies while ensuring that these necessary tasks are managed professionally and efficiently 14. This strategic move not only saves resources but also allows us to utilize expert services without the overhead of managing them internally, significantly cutting costs and minimizing risks 14.

When to Build: When the process is central to your competitive advantage and needs to be uniquely tailored

On the flip side, when a non-core process becomes critical to gaining a competitive advantage or is central to our unique business model, bespoke software development becomes a strategic investment 15. For instance, if a unique inventory management system or a specialized customer relationship management tool can provide us with a significant edge over competitors, developing a custom solution tailored to these specific needs is justified 16. Bespoke software allows for the integration of unique features and functionalities that are not available in off-the-shelf solutions, thereby enhancing our operational efficiency and customer satisfaction 17.

Reason 5: Sufficient Integration Capabilities

Why Not to Build: COTS solutions that integrate well with existing systems

Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software often provides adequate integration capabilities with existing systems, which can be a cost-effective solution for businesses. These solutions come pre-packaged and are designed to cater to a broad user base, making them compatible with a variety of platforms and systems 18. This compatibility reduces the need for extensive customization and allows businesses to implement software quickly and efficiently.

When to Build: When you have complex systems that require seamless integration which off-the-shelf solutions can't achieve

In contrast, bespoke software is essential when dealing with complex business systems that require tailored integration. Custom software development allows for seamless integration with existing IT infrastructure, thereby enhancing operational efficiency and ensuring data accuracy 12. This tailored approach supports unique business models and workflows, providing a significant competitive advantage by optimizing specific processes that are crucial to the business 12. Custom software also adapts as the business evolves, ensuring long-term sustainability and growth 19.

Reason 6: Standard Compliance and Security Needs

Why Not to Build: Adequate security and compliance features in off-the-shelf solutions

Off-the-shelf software often comes equipped with robust security measures and compliance features that meet the general standards required by many industries. For small businesses, especially those not subject to highly specialized regulatory demands, these solutions can provide sufficient protection against common cyber threats and ensure compliance with prevalent standards 2021. Moreover, the use of Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) software can mitigate the risks associated with custom development, such as the introduction of vulnerabilities due to bespoke code or the complexities of maintaining a secure development lifecycle 22.

When to Build: When your industry has unique compliance or security requirements that standard solutions don't meet

In industries where regulatory requirements are highly specific or where sensitive data is handled, such as healthcare or finance, bespoke software becomes a necessity. Custom software allows for the implementation of advanced security protocols, such as encryption and access controls, tailored specifically to protect critical data and meet stringent compliance standards 2123. Furthermore, bespoke solutions can be designed to integrate seamlessly with existing systems, ensuring that all aspects of security and compliance are addressed from the ground up 24. This tailored approach not only enhances security but also provides a framework for continuous compliance as regulations evolve.

Reason 7: Budget and Resource Allocation

Why Not to Build: High initial costs and resource demands of custom software

While the allure of tailored solutions is strong, the initial costs and resource demands for developing custom software can be significantly high. Initially, businesses face steep expenditures not just in financial terms but also in dedicating time and manpower. The process involves not only the cost of hiring skilled developers but also the expenses related to extended development time and potential delays 2526. Custom software requires a considerable upfront investment, which includes costs associated with in-house or outsourced development teams, project management, and the technology needed to build and test the software 26.

When to Build: When you have the budget and resources to invest, and custom software will significantly improve your operations or competitiveness

On the other hand, if a business is positioned to manage the upfront investment, the long-term benefits of custom software can be compelling. Custom solutions cater precisely to specific business needs, which can lead to enhanced operational efficiency, better customer service, and ultimately a stronger competitive edge in the market 2728. For businesses that have unique processes or require specialized functionality not available in off-the-shelf solutions, investing in custom software might be the strategic move that aligns with long-term business goals and growth trajectories 2930. Furthermore, custom software can adapt and evolve with the business, mitigating the need for frequent replacements and reducing long-term costs associated with software upgrades and licensing fees 27.

Reason 8: Long-Term Maintenance and Support

Why Not to Build: Ongoing support and maintenance requirements for custom software

Custom software requires dedicated support and maintenance to ensure it remains functional and secure. This can be resource-intensive, demanding ongoing attention from skilled IT professionals, which may strain the limited resources of SMBs. Additionally, there are risks associated with vendor dependency, where the business relies heavily on the original developers for updates and bug fixes, potentially leading to delays and increased costs.

When to Build: When you have a reliable development partner and the long-term benefits justify the maintenance costs

Conversely, opting for custom software development with a reliable partner ensures ongoing support and maintenance tailored to your specific needs. This partnership often includes service level agreements (SLAs) that guarantee response and resolution times, providing peace of mind and allowing businesses to focus on core competencies. A reputable software development partner not only brings technical expertise but also a commitment to your business's long-term success, adapting the software as your business grows and evolves 3233.

Reason 9: Alternatives to Full Custom Development

Why Not to Build: Customizing off-the-shelf solutions, leveraging low-code/no-code platforms, or using hybrid approaches to balance cost and customization

Off-the-shelf software solutions, while not deeply personalizable, offer a quick and cost-effective option for SMBs with straightforward operational needs 2. For those looking to balance cost and customization, hybrid cloud solutions and low-code/no-code platforms present viable alternatives. Hybrid solutions combine the security of private clouds with the flexibility of public clouds, allowing for effective data management and operational agility without overhauling entire IT architectures 3536. Similarly, low-code and no-code platforms enable rapid development and deployment of applications, accommodating business requirements with minimal coding necessary, thus speeding up time-to-market and enhancing team productivity 3738.

When to Build: When these alternatives still can't meet your specific needs or provide the level of customization required for your business

While Power Apps and other low-code/no-code platforms offer a seemingly attractive alternative to bespoke software by providing rapid development capabilities and reducing the need for extensive coding knowledge, they come with their own set of limitations:

  1. Cost Considerations: Despite their promise of cost savings, low-code/no-code platforms can become expensive, especially as the business scales. Licensing fees, subscription costs, and additional charges for advanced features can accumulate quickly, impacting the overall budget.
  2. Limited Flexibility: These platforms often offer limited customization options compared to fully bespoke solutions. Businesses with unique processes may find it challenging to tailor these applications to meet specific needs, thereby limiting their effectiveness.
  3. Scalability Issues: While low-code/no-code solutions can be suitable for small-scale projects, they may struggle to handle the complexities of larger, more intricate systems. As the business grows, the limitations of these platforms in terms of performance, data handling, and integration capabilities can become significant bottlenecks.
  4. Integration Challenges: Integrating low-code/no-code applications with existing systems can be problematic. These platforms might not offer the same level of seamless integration as bespoke software, leading to potential data inconsistency and operational inefficiencies.
  5. Vendor Lock-In: Relying heavily on a specific low-code/no-code platform can lead to vendor lock-in, where moving away from the platform becomes difficult and costly. This dependency can limit future flexibility and innovation.
  6. Security and Compliance: While some low-code/no-code platforms provide basic security features, they might not meet the stringent security and compliance requirements necessary for certain industries. This can expose businesses to risks and regulatory challenges.

Common Mistakes with SaaS Providers

Relying on SaaS providers to add features specifically for your organization often leads to disappointment. These promises are often strategies to sell, but the development of such functionalities can take a long time because they are not a priority for the providers. This lack of control over the product roadmap and prioritization of features is another significant hurdle. SaaS solutions generally offer limited customization, and users have minimal control over when or how new features are implemented. The roadmap is often set by the vendor, and without a guarantee of timelines, businesses cannot depend on the timely addition of features that could provide substantial value.

Additionally, support can become complex due to these tailored requirements. SaaS providers may not offer the necessary level of support for custom features, which can lead to frustration and inefficiencies.

Another common mistake is not having clear control over your data, including how to extract it for decision-making purposes. This can severely restrict the functionality of SaaS applications. While API-based SaaS allows for the integration of third-party services and applications, enhancing functionality and user control, the lack of APIs in some SaaS products means businesses cannot tailor the software to their specific needs. This limitation can lead to data inconsistencies and integration issues, especially when the technology and standards used to build apps differ.

Key Mistakes:

  • Feature Promises: SaaS providers often promise new features to make a sale, but these features are not a priority and can take a long time to develop.
  • Support Complexity: Tailored requirements can complicate support and lead to inefficiencies.
  • Data Control: Lack of clear control over data extraction for decision-making.
  • API Limitations: Lack of APIs to connect other systems, leading to integration challenges.


Through this article, we have navigated the intricate considerations SMBs must weigh before deciding on bespoke or off-the-shelf software solutions. We discussed how off-the-shelf options offer quick, cost-effective solutions suitable for businesses with standard operational needs, while bespoke software presents a strategic investment for unique, scalable business requirements that align tightly with long-term goals and competitive differentiation. The deliberation between embracing ready-made solutions and investing in custom-developed software hinges on multiple factors including, but not limited to, initial and ongoing costs, implementation timelines, scalability, compliance, and security needs. It's clear that the decision is not merely financial but deeply tied to the strategic direction and the core operational needs of the business.

For small and medium-sized businesses at this crossroads, the choice involves a delicate balance between immediate needs and future growth, between investment and return on that investment. As you consider the path that will best support your business's unique needs and strategic ambitions, we invite you to join our workshop to gain deeper insights into whether custom software development is the right move for your business. Such opportunities offer invaluable perspectives and could illuminate the best course of action tailored to your business's specific contours, ensuring that your software solution truly aligns with your corporate objectives and long-term vision.


1. What is the main advantage of off-the-shelf software for SMBs?

Off-the-shelf software offers quicker deployment and lower upfront costs. It is often readily available and can be used almost immediately after purchase, making it ideal for small businesses with straightforward operational needs.

2. When should a business consider bespoke software development?

A business should consider bespoke software development when it has unique processes or specific functionality requirements that off-the-shelf solutions cannot meet. Bespoke software is also suitable for businesses that need scalability and tailored integration with existing systems.

3. What are the potential downsides of custom software?

Custom software can have high initial costs and requires significant time and resources to develop. It also demands ongoing maintenance and support, which can be resource-intensive for small businesses.

4. How does bespoke software provide a competitive advantage?

Bespoke software is tailored to a business's specific needs, allowing for unique features and functionalities that can improve operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall competitiveness.

5. Why might a business opt for off-the-shelf software over custom solutions?

Businesses may opt for off-the-shelf software due to its lower cost, faster deployment, and adequate integration capabilities with existing systems. It is also a practical choice for companies with limited IT budgets and non-specialized operational needs.

6. What are the risks associated with relying on SaaS providers for custom features?

Relying on SaaS providers for custom features can lead to delays, limited control over the product roadmap, and potential challenges with data extraction and integration. Businesses may also face vendor lock-in and insufficient support for tailored requirements.

7. What are low-code/no-code platforms, and how do they compare to bespoke software?

Low-code/no-code platforms allow for rapid development and deployment of applications with minimal coding. While they offer cost savings and quick solutions, they may lack the customization, flexibility, and scalability of bespoke software.

8. How can custom software ensure compliance and security?

Custom software can be designed to meet specific industry regulations and implement advanced security protocols tailored to protect critical data. This ensures that businesses comply with stringent standards and maintain high levels of data security.

9. What factors should SMBs consider when deciding between bespoke and off-the-shelf software?

SMBs should consider their budget, specific functionality requirements, scalability needs, integration capabilities, compliance and security demands, and long-term strategic goals when deciding between bespoke and off-the-shelf software.

10. Is bespoke software worth the investment for small businesses?

Bespoke software can be a worthwhile investment for small businesses that require tailored solutions to support unique processes, enhance efficiency, and provide a competitive edge. However, it is important to weigh the initial costs and long-term benefits to determine if it aligns with the business's strategic objectives.


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